"No. I'm here too!"

If one were to look towards the direction of the door, they would see a young redhead walking towards them. The delyn sword at her side bounced as she approached them. She wore a dark green shirt, ebony green jacket, and brown pants. Her peridot eyes sparkled with youth and energy, but her kind face showed signs of maturity. She pulled the string holding her ebony round shield off her back. As it fell to her right hand, she smiled. She walked around the table and sat down on an oak chair. Setting the shield down but keeping a protective hand over it, she looked to the small young woman and spoke. When the words came out, they were unintentionally slurred, the r's and l's of the sentence not fully enunciated.

"I heard dragon amber is really cool! Can they really shoot ice? Fire? How about lava?"

As she continued to ask fast paced questions under her bending lisp, she remembered how she got here…

"Mmm! Oh, yum! Dragon what? Ohmnumnum!"

A middle aged man held out a tray of mint cookies, which the girl was consuming at a very fast pace. His glasses glimmered as he smiled, "Dragon Amber. A good use for a weapon… with its magical properties."

With cookies flooding her mouth, the girl attempted to speak, but the combined powers of the mighty cookies and wretched lisp were too powerful. As she chewed the cookies, the doctor raised an eyebrow. They were in a small medicine chamber. Made of oak wood, this place had a work table and multiple carbonates for medicine, herbs, and alchemic substances. The table had many tubes and monitors keeping track of multiple odd liquids and substances ready for experimentation. The small compartment shelves at the at the other side of the room kept herbs and solids in neat little boxes sorted alphabetically. As Felicity gulped the cookies, she bent down and looked through a microscope, "Unrelated to our current project? But this still sounds fun."

"Indeed," the doctor smiled, pulling some of his grey-brown hair behind his ears, "You are a heavy lifter, enough strength and sword swinging to help a band looking for it out. I trust you are willing."

Felicity jumped up from the seat, "Sure am, boss!"

He smirked, "Just do not let your enthusiasm get in the way of judgements. This is all the way in Alerar's mountains, mind you. And dragons reign there."

Felicity took another cookie off the tray, "Nothing I can't handle!" She tossed it into her mouth.

"I know, Felicity." The man smiled, quickly swiping a cookie and throwing it into his own mouth.

That was how she was here.

Felicity had never been to Alerar, however. It had taken forever to circle the forests of city and steel to get to this pub. The airships were all so fascinating, and she could not resist riding one all the way here. It made sense that her old friend Daisuke had connections to the country's alchemists, being a good one himself. The licensed doctor and researcher found out that a Remedy Blue, the person she was sitting close to now, was searching for the intriguing mineral that was dragon amber. Curious and awestruck, Felicity just had to come… and slam the short girl, extroverted captain, and high elf with questions.