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  1. #7
    I'm Asking you Icely

    EXP: 33,893, Level: 7
    Level completed: 87%, EXP required for next Level: 1,107
    Level completed: 87%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,107

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

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    The earth bellowed. The ground moaned in some sort of agony as everything shook. The bare rocks beneath everyone's feet trembled. The faun had summoned an earthquake.

    Ashla's first instinct was to keep herself steady. She instantly stopped fighting the little fox. She stomped the ground, willing strong blue ice into existence. As it surrounded her feet however, the powerful tremors caused it to break all over again. In those series of seconds she realized she was trying in vain, a booming crack was heard. The ground started to undo itself, sturdy stone shattered into mere pebbles as the very land at her feet split in two. Panic rose as she felt the earth at her feet fall away. Her speed ramped up as she lashed out for the closest ledge.

    She managed to cling onto the edge of what land was left. However, in the aftermath of her panic, Ashla realized... she had dropped her sword. She cast her gaze downwards in time to see her precious weapon fall into the darkness of the earth.

    "Great..." Ashla mumbled as she looked up again. As she looked up, she saw the little - wait - huge flaming fox leap over the gap in a single bound. Ashla's eyes widened. She could hear noises from the dying quake as well as the fight Felicity was fighting alone.

    The protective instincts of an elder sister took over. Nimble and flexible, she lifted her other hand to the earth above. Firmly grasping the higher ground, she lifted her foot to the land above. Now, although she was a natural acrobatic, her raw strength proved to be significantly weaker. It took a moment for her to pull herself back up again...

    ... What she saw caused a bought of rage to take over...
    Last edited by Ashla; 11-19-2017 at 02:05 PM.

    "I did what I had to do! Nobody was taking care of these murderers, slavers, robbers! The Rangers weren’t! The Bladesingers weren’t! Somebody had to do something! So I did. And I will extract justice onto every criminal in the world until there is only the good guys. I tried using mercy and compassion. Those don’t work. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I will take every measure necessary to save the world.” ~ Ashla Icebreaker.

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