Lorenor knelt down for a moment and placed his hand in the mud.

He was feeling around for something that could be like like old mine tracks...anything they could use to get oriented.

Lorenor didn't find any worth while clues so he stood up for a moment looking at Cromwell and Gum. "Can't seem to find any mine tracks. If this is an old mine...we must be very far underground." Lorenor was assuming that...but it was a fair assumption. He could not shake the feeling of danger that they were all in...but perhaps it was a feeling of paranoia more than anything else. He was summoned...Gum...but why were we all pulled to this place...? Me and Cromwell...? Lorenor wanted to know the why of things...he considered that the root of any mystery he involved himself with.

As he stood there he looked at Gum and Cromwell. "We should secure a way back to the surface if we're to escape." Lorenor said calmly.