Lorenor saw the spirit that Gum communed with...Lorenor could try it too.

But that was not what concerned him. Lorenor looked up and could not see a ceiling at that point...it was an unnaturally high cavern wall. Lorenor stood up. He looked at Gum and Cromwell with a concerned expression on his face. "Gentlemen." Lorenor began. "Look around you...the wall writhes, as if in agony." Lorenor was not sure how he didn't notice it all before...but the walls...naye...the very mud itself moved. Lorenor suddenly did not like the situation they were in at all...it actually really terrified him.

"Gum we need a way out of here." Lorenor said calmly. He looked at Cromwell and then at the spirit. Lorenor decided that the spirit would play an integral role in the situation that they were all in. 'Gum, may I try a thing?" Lorenor asked the Shaman before he proceeded forward towards the rapidly weakening spirit. Lorenor could also use Compelling Arts in a similar way that Gum could. Albeit...Lorenor's understanding of spirit folks was not as deep as Gum's apparently was. Still...they needed a bigger understanding of the situation at hand.

Lorenor walked towards the weakening spirit, and began to talk. "By The Light...I compel you...draw upon the life spirit within me. To regain thy strength." Lorenor was taking a gamble. He didn't know what sort of spirit was before them...but he KNEW that he had to help it. Lorenor walked towards the spirit and knelt down before it...humbling himself to the apparition. "Do not fade from us as we all need one another." Lorenor said, and there were tears flowing from his eyes.

"Young student of The Arts...do not weep." The Spirit called out from The Great Beyond. "I shall grant ye whatever aide I can. Thou hast agreed to help me in exchange." And so...Lorenor bound himself to the wayward Spirit. The spirit reached out and touched Lorenor on a rather deep level. Lorenor did nothing to resist it...

The Holy Light compelled Lorenor to help and so he helped...perhaps them all.