At that precise moment...Gum took charge of the group.

Mayhaps it was better that way. Lorenor watched the spirit form they'd assisted fade into aetherial energy after it opened a new passage for them. Lorenor cried silently for the lost of the spirit. Damn...if only...I could do more... For some reason, The Paladin found himself thinking about another time. Another place. A place that was destroyed by his failure to do anything against the forces of darkness. Never...again... Lorenor's heart wept for the ruins of Eiksalt. Destroyed by the agents of Darkness. Those who played victims of the very crimes they committed. "Eiskalt." Lorenor said out loud without meaning to.

"One day, I swear I will be strong enough to avenge them." Hearing Gum's words at that point, The Paladin agreed. "I will assist them to the best of my limited power." Lorenor suddenly realized something at that exact point. "Gum...Cromwell...those glowing fungi I saw earlier are not plants. They are residue. SPIRIT RESIDUE. Where in The Thayne's names are we?" The more Lorenor considered the situation at hand...the more he did not like it. The walls were writhing at that point. He decided at first, it had to be a trick of the eyes. Maybe he was tired, maybe he was paranoid. But he could have sworn he saw the walls writhing and twisting.

"Cromwell...DON'T touch the walls." Lorenor said carefully. At the request of the light, Lorenor calmed himself for a moment. He was getting scared...he had not been that afraid in a long time. Where the fuck are we? Why were we summoned here? At first he considered the possibility that they could have been in an intricate Trap set by N'Jal. Though the energies in the air felt far more sinister than anything N'Jal could ever have hoped for.'s not N'Jal. I have intricate knowledge of what N'Jal's energies and taint felt like. THIS...WE'RE in a different situation all together. Lorenor was thinking to himself. The trapped spirits were there in the same situation the three wayward Adventurers were...they were all TRAPPED.

Instinctively, Lorenor drew his sword. He began to shine with a very brilliant light, a residue of The Holy Light. His aura. A sort of nimbus glowed that emitted a brilliantly glowing energy. A purity of self. A way of life. Lorenor rushed forward towards Cromwell. "Cromwell! Don't touch the walls!" He hoped he was not too late.