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Thread: Jethro LVL 2

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  1. #1
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    Jethro LVL 2

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    (Mods in Red)

    Name: Jethro Miller

    Nickname/Alias: Plague / Jet

    Age: 30ish

    Race: used to be human

    Height: 5'6

    Weight: 235

    Occupation: Adventurer.

    Personality: Jethro is quite an amiable man with emotions that can swing from either extreme just like any other sentient being. For the most part though he's a man of average intelligence with not particular concentration in any subject. He like to work and have fun and in general socialize.

    History: Not too long ago in a town there was plague which withered peoples muscles and bones making them weak. As the towns people became weaker they started dying, as they died vermin came into the town to feast on the dead, first it was maggots, flies and roaches followed by rats, crows and mice. Soon after followed a host of other creatures and diseases that wrecked more havoc on the town. With in a few months the town was on the verge the absolute verge of being nothing more than a ruin.

    The towns people made a choice one that could be thought of as dark but in the face of dying and death there is a lot of charcoal grays. They found a sacrifice by the name of Jethro willing or not it doesn't really matter at this point but through a ritual all the plagues and pestilences were taken from the town and filled into Jethro. Some how he lived.

    He was the hero of the town but with all of the death and destruction that was wrought on the town by the plague he was not treated as one. In fact he was hated and one fateful morning he was attacked by a mob. They meant to kill him and he reacted or his body did. Details are a bit fuzzy but it's pretty for sure and for certain that he didn't kick and punch his way out. Then the business end of a club connected with his skull. Some how he survived but he had been taken quite far away from his home town and not sure which direction he should go to get home.

    Appearance: By and large Jethro is a good looking middle aged gentleman though his skin is blotchy with patches of red, tan, pale, green and white. He has black hair and green eyes and a bit of a roman nose. He wears cloths that are either neutral or in earth tones i.e green, red yellow ETC. Now if a person looked really close they could see that from time to time a lump will grow under his skin and move around before disappearing into his flesh once again.


    Street fighting: Chains, lead pipes, glass bottle what ever is on hand at the moment can and will be used as a weapon though his particular favorite is the use of a chain. He uses these improvised weapons competently as he would with a spear.

    Spearmanship: Jethro can use a spear at a competent level.

    Acrobatics: Jethro can climb, jump, spin, tumble and flip. Both to entertain and to get himself in and out of dangerous situations.

    Magical instinct:While Jethro may not have any sort of formal training in magic he does have a kind of instinct. He may not know the name of the spell or ritual but he can typically figure whats about to go down or what the object is supposed to do.


    Plague Manifestations:

    Flesh Whip: Jethro's flesh has manifested a mutation in the form of a fifteen foot long appendage made of muscle, tendon, viscera and ligaments and ending in a sharp hinged bone barb. The barbs are always visible in the palm of Jethro's hands with the rest of the appendage being stored within his body. The appendage can rapidly move 250 pounds either to help Jethro climb and move around the environment or to attack/trip an opponent.

    Resist Diseases: Jethro can resist diseases and plagues twice as well a normal sapient. He doesn't get common colds or the flu and so on but the more bad ass diseases can still make him bed ridden.

    Pestilence Manifestations:

    Chitin Armor: Jethro can grow a layer of chitin armor similar to that of an insects to protect himself. The armor is strong as bone armor but doesn't detract from his nimbleness. This effect lasts for two posts.

    Scarab Swarm: A swarm of bone white scarabs issue forth from Jethro's body wand does his bidding. They can travel for two hundred feet and be his scouts allowing him to see through their eyes or they can swarm over one target distracting them for two rounds.

    Biting Swarm: In addition to the bone white scarabs a metallic blue species is mixed in with the swarm which bite and scratch an opponent doing minor damage and causing a more major hindrance to his opponents movements as he/she/it attempts to pull off the offending insects for four rounds.


    Boar Spear: A standard hunting spear that can be used for hunting, gardening, carrying a lantern, and other sundry tasks.

    Ruck Sack: A little bit better than a burlap sack sack that he can carry stuff in over his shoulder.

    Skinning knife

    Lantern: A brass lantern able to make ethereal beings/objects visible and tangible within the 6 foot radius of its light. Lantern must be lit for it to work. Received here

  2. #2
    First Officer

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