I further looked into the notes as I spoke, "In Eiskaltian culture, the Nobile Families were seen as pretty much one step down from deities. Their powers and political power were legendary. There were two family trees, however. The 'main' members, the immediate family of the eldest child. They were the political leaders and true holders of powers. The second born children were the 'branch' members. They upheld the justice system, worked as a police force and controlled the judicial system. The branch members literally were the judge and juries. Guess which of these Ashla Rose was on..."

I traced my finger across the cursive writings as I spoke with boldness, "During one of the bloodied wars - no - massacres in recent Althanian history, she was in charge of handling the way of the armies and defenses. Not a general,more like a chief of war. Obviously, she must have done a poor job..."

I pushed up my glasses again, "She was, oddly enough, the most loved of the families of that time. After the war, during the civil war, the child was only kicked out with a warning. However, she literally had lost everything in that time period. Take a young girl, put her solely in charge of the justice system, during a war. It only makes sense that when she was exiled outside she was already twisted."

A smirked as I turned a page, "But we have not completed her journey yet. She would go on to create a group called Peace At aLL Expenses. Or PALE."

"Aside it being an uncreative name, the group had its fair share of crimes."