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    I'm Asking you Icely

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

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    "She was called the Executioner of the Wicked." I slipped the letter back into the folder. I turned the page. A wanted poster from Salvar, a newpaper telling of the massacre of a crime family in Corone, sheet music for a lute led ballad of the deadly warrior who cut down bandits and assassins. She was a much more vital legend alone than in an extremist terrorist group. Ayleth, the Executioner of the Wicked, was a story told to misbehaving children.

    She fascinated me. My analytical mind was obsessed with understanding her kind; understanding her. I felt my heart race with each page turn as I told her story. I secretly influenced their minds with my mind bending magic as I spoke.

    "She demolished crime organizations, slayed countless criminals, and made herself feared amongst those on the other side of the law. Ironic, as all those killings were just as bad. She helped and ran from the law..."

    I gripped the folder, "She carried the judge, jury, executioner mentality from Eiskalt, showed the cunning of a strategic mastermind... Yet, beneath it all..."

    I lowered the folder, looking down upon the scribbles. There were many jumbled notes of various mental illnesses and neurological disorders. Yet, I had found none that described her. Defying all current rules of the psychological handbooks and guides, I had to improvise. I had a theory of my own. So many thoughts raced as I blocked them from their heads. As I controlled their own thoughts.

    "She shows no signs of anti-social personality disorder. According to my studies, she took in a student in pity and had a family. The impulse to leave her organization in a flash could hint at borderline or bipolar, but there are no reports of dueling moods or instant shifts in beliefs or values - at least, outside the Ayleth mask she made for herself. Is she delusional? Defiantly. Yet, a lack of hallucinations rule put schizophrenia or psychosis. Schizoid seems closer, yet reports potray her as both cold, calculating; yet kind and emotional. No... She is a unique case."
    Last edited by Ashla; 02-06-2018 at 11:24 PM.

    "I did what I had to do! Nobody was taking care of these murderers, slavers, robbers! The Rangers weren’t! The Bladesingers weren’t! Somebody had to do something! So I did. And I will extract justice onto every criminal in the world until there is only the good guys. I tried using mercy and compassion. Those don’t work. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I will take every measure necessary to save the world.” ~ Ashla Icebreaker.

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