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  1. #2
    I'm Asking you Icely

    EXP: 33,893, Level: 7
    Level completed: 87%, EXP required for next Level: 1,107
    Level completed: 87%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,107

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

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    There were a select few pleasant aspects in the living trash heap that was Lornius. A brutal history and brutal folk dominated its scorched landscape. Corruption and poverty ran wild. What was humanitarianism here? What was it like when the walking skeleton of a mother cried in joy that a kind sir gave her starving children food for the night? What was it like when the surprisingly evil democratic government gave up babbling and arguing and gave something to its subjects for once? Well… I had asked these questions over and over again when I moved from Corone to here to work as a criminal psychologist in Terrinore Isle. Now, after five years of studying cases inside the prison and out, I was determined to go beyond my fancy white doctor's coat and do something. I, Doctor Calanon Arandorion, had a proposition to make to the head directors of Terrinore. I was finally going to make a difference.

    This was pretty much one of the only pleasant places in a prison meant to hold the likes of folk like, say, Madison Freebird or Lichensith Ulroke. Both individuals intrigued me, prodded my interest. What could cause single people with single minds to commit so many terrible deeds? I was positive from what little I heard of Ulroke that he was a legitimate sociopath. Maybe a psychopath, considering how well he manipulated masses. Oh, if only they were here so we could study them… Maybe though, just maybe, after tonight I would be able to reach out to people like them.

    The room was simple. A white, concrete wall and marble floor surrounded me. With all the shades, shadows, and blood in the prison I was not surprised that a lighter color scheme was used for this room. Still, the room was dark and like fog. Dark oak tables circled around the room on pedestals, fanciful wooden rails guarding them well from the outside prison. All the faces of the prison heads were hidden from me. I did not need to see their faces to present my plans to them. An expert psychologist and mental magician with social influence to match, I was more than ready for this.

    "Doctor Arandorion, you asked for council with us?" The prison's main man echoed from his makeshift throne.

    "Indeed," I felt myself smile, my blue elf ears perking in excitement, "I have been studying the criminal minds of many, inside the prison and out, for five years now. I have an earth shattering revelation to share. This will not only change Terrinore, but the entirety of Lornius."

    In a small tinge of nervousness, I pushed my glasses up my nose. "Not every wrongdoer is a monster." I looked down to a neat and tidy folder clenched against my chest. As my white robe swayed, I held the binder out, "And this single case alone will prove it."
    Last edited by Ashla; 02-06-2018 at 10:50 PM.

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