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  1. #1

    EXP: 38,578, Level: 8
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 5,422
    Level completed: 40%,
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    Gavner_Nahs's Avatar



    Gavner Nahs, Level 3

    level 2 character sheet here

    (Nothing too personal against you guys)
    Updates in red, New stuff in Blue

    Name: Gavner Nahs
    Age: 38 (human equivelant 20)
    Race: full-blooded vampire
    Hair Color: red
    Eye Color: red
    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Occupation: vampire general

    Personality (Optional): Gavner is a humble, yet confident creature of the night. He is loyal to his friends, and his pride is his most valuable possession. He respects those who show respect to him. He believes it is honorable to die in combat, but is open to idea that discretion is the better part of valor.

    Appearance: Gavner is 6'6" and approximately 160 lbs. He has a mess of tomato red hair that covers the top half of his ears and sharp, glowing red eyes. He has a medium length face with an angular cut jaw. His nose is smaller on his face and his ears are normal sized.

    History: Coming from a middle-class family in a big city, Gavner's parents died when he was 16. Becoming homeless, he decided to take up brawling at age to earn extra cash on the side. He joined a group of teens on the street who had no parents, and even though he was not the oldest of the group, he became the leader. At age 17 he came across an interesting character while paying respects to his parents in the graveyard. This character seemed very mysterious as he wore a black cloak and a drawn hood. Gavner followed this man along the countryside until he caught up with him to ask if he was of the supernatural. The man's name was Fintin, and he confirmed that he was indeed a vampire. Eager at the chance to leave his boring life he asked to become one of Fintin's kind. Fintin refused to blood him then and there, but took him in as his apprentice. At age 18 Gavner was blooded and he became a full vampire. Through training and commitment he quickly rose in renown and soon became a vampire general at age 38.

    Combat without using a weapon:
    Gavner is extremely skilled in combat without weapons. He is a master in vampire martial arts which is a lore mainly focusing on weak parts in soft tissue and armor, and utilizes the strong nails of the vampire. Gavner is skilled in this martial arts while fighting armed foes, or unarmed foes.
    Knifes: gavner has trained for years, and is greatly feared whenever he uses knifes. He has deadly precision while throwing them and is equally skilled while wielding dual knives, or a singe knife in hand to hand combat, but he seldom carries them on his person due to traveling purposes


    Vampric Strength (x3): Gifted with the strength of the vampires, Gavner has 3x the strength of a human. He can headbutt enemies and cause minor concussions, and on rare occasions, unconsciousness. Gavner can hold a handstand position for 30 minutes straight and 15 of the thirty minutes can be on his fingertips because he does not neglect core or finger strength. He can lift up to 130 lbs and break bones with full force attacks. He can hang from buildings, poles, or ropes easily and can play around with his weight with ease. Gavner can kick a man back several steps, and jump 10/13ths his own height at a standstill. With a running start of at least 10 feet he can jump mostly onto a one story building. He can long jump 34.666666(repeating) feet with a running start of at least 10 feet.

    Vampric Speed (x3): Vampires naturally have speed which is greater than that of humans. Gavner's speed is advanced for a vampire of his age, and is 3x that of a human. He can run a 4:30 mile and quickly dodge sword blows and knife assaults. With no weapons he can strike an enemy 4 times in one second. Vampires have the ability to flit, or move at a supernatural speed (approximately 600 mph) ONLY to travel places. This can NEVER be used in ANY battle or battle thread, and can NEVER be used to gain any sort of advantages. This does NOT affect any other character in any way shape or form (unless permitted to carry them on his back while flitting to get somewhere faster), it is strictly used as a method of transportation.

    Intermediate Hearing: Vampires have heightened senses, and hearing is Gavner's strongest sense. His hearing is 3x more sensitive than that of a human, and he can pick up on sounds way easier than others. He can hear normal talking from 150 yards away, soft talking from 125 yards away, and whispers from 100 yards. He can hear through thick walls when standing right next to them, and he can hear through thin walls from up to 250 feet away.

    Close Proximity Eyesight: Vampires are gifted with heightened senses that sharpen and become more powerful as they age. Being a young vampire, Gavner has weaker eyesight than most vampires but still heightened nonetheless. When vampire blood reaches the eyeball they begin evolving the human eye into a stronger structure fit for the title of a vampire. Gavner's ciliary muscles surrounding the internal lens of his eye can contract further than normal, making it easier for him to focus on near things in light and darkness. His photoreceptor rods are enhanced, allowing him to see up to ten feet in front of him in crystal clear image, or very vague image in darkness.

    [B]Tooth and Nail:[/B] Vampires have teeth and nails which are very strong. Gavner's black teeth and nails have the strength equivalency of plynt and can gouge the metal when scratched or leave deep teeth marks when bitten. They can slice or cleave through anything weaker than plynt

    Equipment: Two knives with special magical properties, picked up here. He is usually garbed in a long black traveling coat and a cape that is black on the outside, but the inside and the collar is red. He wears black boots but it is not uncommon for him to go barefoot with his tough feet

    . Familiars (optional):

    Name: Eva
    Age: 2 years
    Race: Wolf Cub
    Hair Color: Grey and white
    Eye Color: Black
    Height: 1 foot tall on all fours.
    Weight: 3lbs and 4oz
    Occupation (Optional):

    Personality (Optional): Eva is a baby wolf who is always bursting with energy and life. She is always curious of things but is extremely loyal to Gavner, whom she loves more than anything or anyone in the entire world. She always loves being with him, and hates being separated.

    Appearance: Eva has short white fur covering her entire body with a longer grey coat coming in. She is 1 foot tall on all fours and approximately 3lbs and 4oz.

    History: After her family was killed by an evil vampire, Gavner took Eva in and cared for her. They now share a great emotional attachment, and friendship. In battle Eva was severely wounded, and Gavner had no choice but to blood her to save her life. She is now half-vampire-half-wolf-cub.

    Wolf Fighting: Even though Eva is 1 foot tall she was taught by her father, Amoux, how to fight with wolf techniques. Their style is clean and deadly, but Eva most likely cannot kill anybody at her size.
    Instincts: Eva can look at someone's appearance and make a judgement if the person is trustworthy, or if she should be leery of them.
    Intelligence: Eva is a very smart wolf cub. She has been taught and can understand almost all spoken language and can read and understand mathematics up to algebra I.


    Can be used in battle

    Combat Telepathy: Being a wolf and a vampire, Eva's mind has grown extremely powerful. Not only can she mentally communicate with anybody within a 15 foot radius but she can mentally assault enemies within a 10 foot radius. She can temporarily break concentration, distract, and even cause headaches in the minds of her foes. Stronger willed enemies can block her out.

    Claws and teeth- claws and teeth. Hers are normal

    Familiars (Optional): Eva is a familiar of Gavner. She has no familiars.

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

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    Rayleigh Aston
    Approved - direct transfer.

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