No more than a flesh wound, War bellowed with rage and made to bring the hammer down. As he did so, he lost his grip, and the hammer over extended. Duffy held his breath and prayed, and his worried look turned into a beaming smile when the hammer head shattered Eagle’s shrine on the eastern edge of the Ice Henge. The collision sent fist sized shards of ice flying in every direction and a wellspring of power rose skyward like a beacon.

“No!” War’s eyes dimmed and the power released spiralled up his hammer shaft and snared his fists. The ground trembled and began to crack, fractures swift turning into ravines and a web like bottomless crevasse.

Leopold clambered out of the crater without a second thought. The deep, rumbling sound laced with haunting whispers was all the encouragement he needed. When he crested the ridge, and slapped his hands on his knees to catch his breath the shattered henge caused the web way of power that kept the Tap sealed beneath Berevar to snap.

“That was pikin’ close,” he wheezed.

Duffy shuffled up to him, questioning look on his face.

“How are you still alive? You took a titan’s hammer to the chest.”

“Oh, I’m fine. Look,” he pulled his shirt open and immediately regretted it. “Oh.”

A deep black bruise covered most of the merchant’s chest. When it dawned on him that his Raven form had not protected him quite as much as he’d hoped, his brain caught up and floored him. He dropped onto his hands and knees in agony. He swore several times; words Duffy had never heard his brother shout with such determined gusto.

“That’s it. We’re done here. We have to leave!” Duffy bent forwards and helped Leopold up. He hooked him over his shoulder and raised his wrists. His sleeves dropped, revealing two obsidian bands inscribed with lyrics from the First Song the troupe sang.

“We, we can’t leave without Ruby.” Blood trickled out from the corner of Leopold’s mouth. “You have to find her!” He looked up, tearful eyes pleading to Duffy’s better nature.

“Ugh, I swear you’re going to get me killed. Go. Go back to Scara Brae and get help. I’ll find your damned wife.” He pushed Leopold off him and stared expectantly until the merchant clashed his own bands together and vanished in a whorl of blue ribbons and defeat.

Suddenly alone, Duffy pieced together the damage that had been done to his body. His shoulders were aching beyond belief, red bruises forming on every inch of his upper arms. His head throbbed, blood purging the toxins in his body from his wicked corruption of Ruby’s spell singing. He looked around the devastation, hoping for signs of his sister. There was nothing save for splintered ruins and geysers of grey light rushing out of the widening cracks in the ice plateau. He could feel the Tap drawing near, suffocating and invigorating all at once. He looked back to the south and saw the purple cross cut into the fabric of reality by Clarissa. He frowned.

“She didn’t…did she?” He limped towards it, heart racing as a glimmer of hope returned.