Scarlet lay on the bed, her loosely clothed form drenched in sweat. Her sclera eyes struggled to focus on the carved onyx ceiling, her chest rose and fell in quick succession. She had a fever, and has had one for the last few days. At first, it was a nuisance, then, it was followed by constant waves of nausea. Now, the red headed assassin struggled to stand without falling. Strands of crimson hair clung to her pale and cracked face, her lips were dry and cracked.

Richard, one of her subordinates stood at Lichensith Ulroke’s alchemic desk, breezing over some notes he had taken during his time questioning her. A beaker atop a bunsen burner bubbled away, and the thick smell of mint mixed with a chemical hung heavy in the room. He had her drink some form of truth serum, it left a bitter taste on her lips, but it ensured she told the truth to him.

Richard tore his brown eyes away from his work when Lye entered the room. “Sir.” He dipped his head as a sign of respect to the man.

“Well? What’s wrong with her?” Lye asked as he stalked up to Richard, thin lips pressed into a hard line. His one good eye bore down on Richards pristine form. “She’s useless like this.”

“Mmm…” Richard mused, shifting his gaze to the barely conscious woman on the bed. “Master Ulroke,” Richard began, speaking with his usual inflection. “Tell me, have you noticed anything about her that has changed recently?” Lye rose a skeptical brow. Richard continued. “I do not mean her transformation, I mean her body.”

Lye’s gaze shifted to Scarlets form then back to Richard. “What of it.”

Richard frowned, seeing no way to tip-toe around the matter. He cleared his throat and lowered his tone so that she would not hear. “She’s pregnant. Her nausea is morning sickness, common misconception is that it only happens during the morning. It -” Lye narrowed his gaze, Richard skipped that and continued.” I’d stake my life on the reason she has her fever. Her corrupted soul struggles to heal her, and with it now working in overdrive for herself and for a child - well, something like that would put a strain even on a demigod.” Richard sighed as he handed Lye the notes. “I would avoid telling her. She would probably try to rip it out of herself - which would just exert her soul further as it tries to repair the damage. I’m not certain on that but it is something to consider. I think, the soul of the child may help heal her. These are just theories. It may be why she’s showing some semblance of emotion.”

Richard didn’t give pause, he was concerned with how the man would react. “It looks to be about 3 months. I questioned her whilst she was under the influence of a truth serum I whipped up. It is still in effect now, so if you wish to further question her, do so. The father has been narrowed down to two people.” There was a slight pause as he drew in a deep breath. “Either yourself, or a man named Shinsou Van Osiris, She barely seems to recall him.”

Richard shook his head and folded his arms to stop his hands from shaking. Speaking with Lye always made him extremely nervous, and the assassin was known to shoot the messenger out of anger. “My advice...let her rest a few days. Do not let her use her abilities right now. I’m not sure how she will cope. She needs rest, and she needs to be looked after. Should I have Advencia come and change her cloth?”

“Leave us.” Lye growled.


“Do not test my patience.”

Richard didn’t give Lye any further words, he offered him another nod of the head and hastily made his way toward the exit. He shut the door and exhaled, pulling a cloth from his front pocket and lightly dabbing the sweat from his forehead. “Those two will be the death of me.” He jumped when he noticed the stoic figure of the masked man. Scarlet’s knight. Richard knew of the things she had put him through, and a part of him felt bad for the poor sod, another part, felt that he got what he deserved for willingly placing himself in such a position.


That fucking bastard. Whatever he gave was bitter, and I barely had control over myself before. Now…. Now?



I could hear him, and his footsteps as he approached. I turned to him, blurry eyed. I barely remembered the conversation I had with Richard, my voice felt hoarse, as though I had been talking a long time.

Ev E R Y THi N G was So F U . Z . Zy....

"Lye..." his name croaked out of my mouth a second time as my hand swatted at him in an affectionate drug induced stupor. The way he was looking at me...why? Why was he looking at me like that?

What had I done now?