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  1. #1
    upon the cheek of night

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    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    “Do you wish to live forever?” The Goddess asked, scraping all eight amber-enamelled fingernails down the warrior’s scarred chest.

    Breaker arched against the soft bed of earth he lay upon, lifting the Goddess’ light and supple form as he drew breath through pursed lips. He sat up as he exhaled, breath tickling the nape of the petite brunette woman’s neck.

    “Only if living forever means never leaving my Suravani’s inside.” Joshua Cronen wrapped his arms around the Goddess straddling his lap and lifted her effortlessly.

    Suravani shrieked with pleasure and wrapped her legs around his hips, ankles locked and urging him deeper.

    He pushed her against the soft sand wall and held her there as she kissed him and took away all concept of time. The room was one of her creation, specially designed for the two of them, and he could not say how long they had spent there. A day or more certainly… long enough for the mystique surrounding the deity to melt in the fire between them. She had told him things while she lay in his arms, how long it had been since she took human form, how long since she felt a lover’s touch, how long since she’d found a man worthy of tasting her sweat… It had been longer than the lives of many mortals. But Breaker was not mortal; not anymore… not quite. The power that flowed in his veins was partially granted by his Goddesses, but significantly due to his own dedication to mastery of the body and mind. When he touched Suravani and his energy flowed into her over the hours, the days… even a deity could not withstand such passion. They were immortals and nearly indestructible, ancient and experienced beyond belief. But their advantages made them overlook the one thing that would always bring them back to the mortal realm… their emotions.

    Finally they nestled like spoons in a cupboard, satisfied if not spent, whispering and laughing softly. The petite slender form Suravani had chosen fit perfectly in Breaker’s ropelike arms. Her hair smelled perfect… the Gods had a fetish for perfection.

    “So what will it take to bring my Goddess to such pleasure,” Josh asked, raking rough fingers up the inner muscles of her thigh to bring one last surprised gasp to Suravani’s lips. “Such pleasure that she’d choose a mere soldier to share her spot in eternity?”

    Suravani’s laugh sounded mysterious as the winds through the dunes in her creation, her home continent of Fallien.

    “A soldier?” She giggled like a young girl, still lost in the carnal experience, “how long has it been since you called yourself that Breaker?” She wiggled in his arms and rolled over to straddle his hips and press the soft skin of her forehead against his close cropped hairline and gaze into his endless hazel eyes. “You are a general, a champion, a great teacher and leader… you could be my champion. My partner in all this.” She swirled a dainty hand carelessly and the sandy walls vanished, leaving them floating on an earthen bed high above where the hawks or even the legendary griffins of Fallien could soar. The vast dunes and ocean ring surrounding the lonely continent looked like a well drawn map from so high in the sky

    “So what would you have of me?” He asked, “what more?” He corrected the question, slapping the supple skin of her hindquarters to illicit another giggle and gathering her back into his arms. The skin over his abdominals stretched as he sat up and held the Goddess in his lap as they looked down her domain together.

    “There have been.. sounds of shifts and schisms approaching amongst the Gods,” Suravani confided in him, “I am seeking new alliances and a distant sister of mine is gathering her power. If you can assist her… our influence would be all the greater when you take your place at my side.” She sighed and sands rose from the floor to spell a name out in the air.


    “Your sister?” Josh asked, kissing the nape of Suravani’s pale neck.

    “Mmmmhmm,” she replied, “You must ensure the lyre bearer lives and assist her in any way necessary. Drys has arranged her own guard but I fear the powers that oppose her have a deadly card or three concealed in their sleeves.”

    Breaker laughed, the sound whipping out into empty air. The Gods and their games.

    “Do you know what these cards may be?” He asked, slow-stepping callused fingers along her hips.

    “I may,” Suravani giggled, shivering deeper into his arms, “but I do not wish to make your test too easy… my champion.”

    Before her words could lose themselves in the night air she vanished, and then the sandy bed swallowed Breaker into a tunnel of neverending darkness.

    "Find the spot on the Red Forest’s fringe where the Fealotë bare their souls to the sky," Suravani’s voice echoed in his mind and all around him.
    Last edited by Philomel; 05-30-2018 at 08:51 AM.

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