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  1. #10
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Breaker extended a callused hand for the fox to sniff, but made no attempt to pet the familiar. He found that such creatures often retained a measure of wildness, especially towards people they were not bonded to. He did pat the ter'ak on its broad back, admiring the beast's build.

    "I've never seen one of these before," he commented, a mote of surprise in his voice.

    The company of Philomel and her companions felt like it brought the attention of Drys. The dangers of the forest faded to the back of Breaker's mind and at last he let his guard down, if only for a few hours. Memories of everything Suravani had said sifted through his mind. He sat in the soul blossom patch near where Philomel prepared her bedroll. The trees listened closely. The moon watched with deep interest.

    "You must tell me of our mission, lyre bearer." Josh suggested. "Suravani told me only of you, and asked that I assist you as necessary. I know not of the perils we may face, past my knowledge of the Lindequalmë. If we mean to venture deeper into the forest, I may suggest- what is that?" He shook his right arm out violently and stared. The reddish moss that rubbed off on his jacket earlier had burned through the sleeve and scorched his forearm. Cronen tore the garment off, pulled the black diamond dagger from his boot and sheered the sleeve off. He tossed it in one direction and the jacket in the other and sheathed his weapon.

    "Of course," he said as a faint blush crept into his cheeks, "fire moss. I was about to suggest armor. I could make you a cloak as strong as steel but as light as silk," while he spoke Josh crafted a poultice of ice around the wound on his arm, cooling the burned patch of skin. "Something to protect you from dangers such as these," he gestured at the still smouldering sleeve and shook his head at his own foolishness. He would need to be more careful going forward, to keep the lyre bearer safe.

    Despite the nighttime chill Josh felt warm in his lightweight sifan pants and short-sleeved laceup shirt. He placed his palms on the ground and breathed deeply, aware of his surroundings yet somehow also oblivious. He trusted Drys to protect them, at least on this first night. He needed a chance to know the goddess' agent better, and to learn what she knew of their quest.
    Last edited by Philomel; 05-30-2018 at 08:52 AM.

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