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  1. #1

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Breath was captured in her chest for a moment as she stared at the companion adventurer. Her hand was around the reigns attached to her tera'k's horns and head, leading him on the ground. Upon the beast of burden's back was her bed roll, collected and tied tightly, but it did not seem to encumber him. For as she stopped fully to freeze in her stance he continued at a steady lumbering, until he got to the end of the tether.

    He moaned, a quiet low, but she did not listen. Instead her lips formed a circle as her arm extended out, following the reigns. Yet, she remained as firm as she was, stuck there in shock.

    "A maul..." she whispered.

    Of course she had heard of them. In rumour. Great, lumbering creatures who had four arms and were close to apes in stature and build. Their backs, it was told, were covered in wicked spines of possibly posionous type. They were dim witted and had a rage within that was like a fire. A fire that spread fast and vicious, taking up the forest around it in a rapid burn.

    "We should definitely leave," she nodded, quietly swinging out her sword.

    It might be no use here, but at least it was a protection, for now, as she tugged her tera'k away. He groaned more, in protest, sending a noise shaking through the leaves, much more than she would have liked. She cursed under her breath and began to pull harder on the reigns, muttering how obstinate he was, and he began to object louder, as if telling her, no not that way, what is this? First you stop and now you want me to-

    Suddenly. Somewhere. A terrifying roar of barbarious attitude. The very blood froze in Philomel's veins and she found herself beginning to shake. It had taken a lot to already get her out of the staring stupor when she had first heard the word 'maul,' but now the reality was hitting her. She began to see the signs - the scratched-up bark, the blooded grass, the fur caught high in the branches where no one could ever climb. Swallowing her breath she breathed in harder and used more strength than she dared to confess she had and fought over the tera'k who was now the one frozen still. In fear, like the prey animal he was.

    "Now is not the time to play dead!" she screamed at the beast.

    She flung the reigns up and over his head and ran around to begin scrambling onto his back. In her mind she delved down, and found Veridian, where he was sniffing about foliage. His ears were up, though, now, listening to the roar that shook through mother nature and was ... well gaining was the only right word.

    We need to leave, she told him as she heartlessly kicked her tera'k into movement. He bellowed in terror, but followed her direction that pointed out of the way of the forest, away from the maul's screams.

    Veridian nodded and turned tail, notifying her with his movements that he was to leave. Anxiously she looked back to Breaker and angled the tera'k's path towards him, and she held out her arm, for him to hold and then fling himself up behind her onto the bovine's mighty back.

    "Come," she said, "let's get out of here."
    Last edited by Philomel; 05-30-2018 at 12:54 PM.

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