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Thread: Sukoshi Kitsune

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  1. #4

    EXP: 31,366, Level: 7
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 3,634
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,634


    Ruby Winchester
    The ante chamber was the ultimate cold shoulder, and anyone not directly related or who held a position of dignity in the city could venture no further. Guests who remained in this room would be served modest sake and a traveller’s meal whilst the host took those of worth deeper inside.

    “Why is this so complicated?”

    “I wouldn’t want the riff-raff to get anywhere near the silverware.” Lilith mocked Ruby’s haughty voice of a bygone life, and ducked as a boot flew past her ear. “Ha! You don’t deny it.”

    “I’m a changed woman.” Ruby grunted as she heaved the second boot off and dropped it onto the mat. “Besides, the silverware’s long gone.”

    “Yet the Great Lady Winchester does just fine without it.”

    “Yes…yes. You know all too well my fall from grace was long, hard, and full of home truths Leopold will be rubbing in my face for decades to come.”

    Lilith chuckled. “Yes, he is rather fond of upstaging you at parties.”

    “His balls aren’t.” Ruby stuck out her tongue. “Where next?” She looked at the three doors leading away from the reception room, more panels built into the paper panels between thick oak pillars painted black and decorated with blossoms and vines in a soft pastel green. Little flecks of red marked where blossoms turned to blooms. It was all tediously well-co-ordinated.

    “The east wing is the library, so I won’t bore you with that. North is my chamber, the courtyard, and the repository. A kitchen, too, though I never use it. West lies the shrine, which is why I invited you here rather than meeting you at Uncle Sei’s for our usual bitch and pot of tea.”

    “I do miss Sei’s tea.” Ruby frowned and made a mental note to visit the hillside tearoom when she got the opportunity. “Is he well?”

    “Oh, long retired, his daughter had to push him down the mountain before he’d stop working. Spritely for ninety-four, I’ll give him that.” Lilith stepped to one side and gestured for Ruby to proceed first.

    The door slid open silently, revealing a short corridor of similar paper doors patterned with a woodland scene Ruby vaguely recognised. Little spirits danced amongst the branches and lanterns swung from the boughs. They walked through the corridor and Ruby pushed against the tapestry acting as a door at its end. Inside, against all expectations, it was night-time. Overhead stars and a full moon illuminated a garden courtyard and the spell singer couldn’t help letting out a gasp.


    Lilith stepped inside behind her and walked over the pebble lawn to the shrine at the courtyard’s centre.

    “Go on, you can say it.”

    “Bigger on the inside!”
    Last edited by Ruby; 09-28-2017 at 07:24 AM.

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