Elthas listened when Nevin spoke and nodded with a kind understanding.

He found Nevin to be quite agreeable a specimen for The Hume race. As he stood there he realized that Nevin was probably referring to Yark's old shop. Yark was one of the blacksmiths in town, and Elthas knew the fellow from his early youth. Yark was a stout lad, as far as Hume's went and Elthas was certain Nevin would find the older man agreeable as well. As they walked and Nevin began talking about tracking down things...something clicked in Elthas's mind. He stopped walking at that point and looked at Nevin with a mischievous look on his handsome face.

"You mean hunting yes? There's all manner of sport here in the area around Stonevale." Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "The inn pays a premium for fresh game stock. And a few other places on top of that do as well. Some of the critters near here have organs and such that are used in medicinal practices." Elthas thought carefully. "I can take you hunting once you're situated in town." Elthas smiled at the thought. "Me and my family run parcel between Stonevale and my home town. It helps for delivery to Radasanth and matters of that nature, you see." Elthas wanted to introduce Nevin to Yark fairly quickly, and he was also certain that Nevin was probably pretty hungry.

"I'm probably stranded in town for the night anyway so I would like to help you out and get you situated." Elthas looked towards Ruild with a longing expression in his eyes for a moment, but knew from personal experience that the night-time dangers in the wild lands were all too real. It would have taken Elthas at least a few hours on foot to get back home and it was already getting dark. He accepted that The Great Tree brought him Nevin for a reason. "Yark's smithy is over that way. Come with me and I'll make proper introductions for ya." Elthas said calmly and prepared to guide Nevin into town and towards his old family friend, Yark.