Moved to flying stone tavern!

Strangely enough, since the last thread I am became accredited to deliver MBTI. I use it as part of leadership programs to help managers understand their personal preference.

Anywhoot, Remedy would be an ENTJ:

At the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, ENTJs are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. This isn’t because they are coldhearted or vicious per se – it’s more that ENTJ personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for ENTJs to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory.
This fits her like a glove. The high detailed, often lonely work she does making things is more because of what they achieve rather than the act itself. While an ISTJ may focus on the task and enjoy it as much as the finished product, she's all about the big picture. In her mind, finishing as task is half about selling it to someone else as much as actually completing it. She also loves the sale, and I focus on getting her into situations where she can do what she truly loves, selling something. Perhaps it's some goods she's picked up, or a trinket. Sometimes it's an idea, such as getting people to follow her.

The J comes in with her planning. She'll have a counter measure for nearly anything, be it a device or tactic that she's played over in her head. She never goes off half cocked... unless she is pressed for time. One of the challenges for her is operating without information and in a crisis. I haven't had a chance to put her in a situation like that yet, but I'll find one!

Something I found helpful with a rough guide for applying MBTI is:
E or I: Do they prefer to spend time by themselves (I), or with others(E) after a tough day? Do they think about things and then speak (I), or prefer to talk things through(E)?
S or N: Do they focus on the details of the situation (S) or the big picture (N)? Are they practical, focused on the now (S) or thinking long term about what could be (N)?
T or F: Are they apply the same rule for everyone (T) or take people's individual circumstances into account (f)? Do they remove themselves from the situation to consider what is right or wrong (T) or place themselves in the shoes of the other person (F)?
J or P: To they make a plan on how to get something done, and stick to it (J) or are more 'go with the flow' (P)?

While you can look at the introverted and extroverted version of S/N or T/F, I generally don't go that deep. Basically the two letters in the middle of your type are your normal 'drivers'. They determine what information you look for, and how you process it. When under stress, you apply the other two. You're taken over by the two preferences that normally sit in the back of the car staring out the window. This means you often have a very negative use of the preference. Someone who is normally an N who is taken over by the S may start looking at everything that is wrong around them, losing sight of the big picture and focusing on the tiny, incorrect details. Someone who is normally an S may start applying big conspiracy theories to things, trying to look at the big picture (N) but getting it wrong.