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  1. #1
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    So his soul shone as a pale green, with flashes of the trauma that happened bleeding through? Nevin would have been confused about that if Stare hadn't immediately talked about what that meant - and fairly accurately surmised his feelings towards the laws of the land and general morality. He did typically prefer to live and let live, and his ambition of making blood magic not something that was regarded with fear would probably make him more ‘good’ than not. Hm.

    That her aura sight could verify if someone was telling the truth was an interesting concept. Was it based on what the person perceived as the truth? Or could her magic possibly somehow be ‘fact-checking’ as it were? It would be a conundrum and a half to check whether that was the case or not, as you'd have to find someone who believed something was true that you knew wasn't.

    Her ‘heat sight’ was also intriguing, giving her a way of finding someone who was hiding that most had no way of countering. Was probably not good to rely on it overly much though, as magical constructs existed and he doubted that all of them gave off heat. Her description about the burgeoning ability to see magical abilities, that her power was still developing and branching off was fascinating though, and it made him wonder if there were other things she might be able to try doing with it.

    “Have you been in situations where being able to see magic or the flows of energy in a person was necessary, to your mind? There is a chance that whatever is causing your eyes to develop and grow is tied to your desires, either conscious or unconscious.” That made the most sense to him - people adapted to situations, learning or developing the skills they needed to overcome an obstacle. Magic merely enhanced and expedited the process in his experience. It normally ended up as a product of the user’s environment and training. But…

    “And have you tried seeing other things? Like perhaps, with training, you could see other emotions beyond honesty?” There were a few uses he could think of for that. Knowing when someone was harboring hostility, or fear? Could definitely lead to advantages in some situations. Then the explanation of how she could use her emotions to influence her ‘sight’ and his eyes went wide.

    “Well. That's an entirely separate path of development, even if it seems like they're tied.” Nevin started drumming his fingers on the countertops as he organized his thoughts. “For example: the ability to see auras, the ability to see heat, the honesty checker, they are all… Receptive. They are inwardly expressed, and based on taking in information from another individual or the environment.” On the wood he had traced a line with one finger, then divided that line in half as he thought. As he spoke, he tapped on side of the dividing line for each of the abilities he mentioned.

    “This other set though; stunning, distracting, and - I think the appropriate word is either putrefy or possibly necrotize - is in an entirely different category. These are more expressive, if you will, and based on affecting the subject of your gaze. Even though both branches of abilities are tied to your eyes, that is their only association with each other - unless perhaps you could find a way of focusing your Expressive gazes to work on individuals that match a specific criteria from your Receptive ones. A ‘judgement’ gaze if you will, maybe something to punish someone you knew was lying to you?” He realized he had gone off on a tangent and coughed into his hand. “Sorry.” A moment passed as he processed her final comment, his body stilling.

    Nevin swallowed roughly once, then grabbed his glass of alcohol and poured it into his mouth, using the burn to banish the sudden dryness. He set the glass down with an unintentionally loud clink and stared at it for a long moment.

    What could he do with her blood? That was a terrifying offer to him, not even thinking about what possible ‘Essences’ he could draw from it. He knew the blood of a living being was, for his powers, more potent than that of something that was dead, as his magic somehow kept the blood in that situation ‘alive’, still connected to the source. But… Did she really see him as so good, as to trust a blood mage with some of that precious fluid? It was…. A bit overwhelming to him, to be honest, and it took him almost a minute before he could speak, his voice thick with some emotion he couldn't place.

    “I… The most direct answer to your question, is possibly this: an Essence that draws on one of your powers, but only one. Magic tends to be too potent to allow a mixing. But, it would potentially give the imbiber or recipient, for.. A time, one of your gazes.”
    And the scary thing was in this case, he didn't know how long the effect would last. He had refused to experiment with sentient blood of any kind, and stuck to working with animal blood, and those results usually only lasted for a short time. The one time he had worked with blood from a living animal, the Essence of Vitality that he had used had continued to empower him until he had forcefully cut the connection between them. He would have to figure out a way of imposing a limit on… Offered… Blood.

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    As he drifted from subject, accented with question and tone, Stare kept herself listening and attentive, her eyes never failing to meet his. Many times he paused, letting the silence extend for some considerable seconds, yet still she waited. She saw the quivering of his lips, the curiousity in his eyes as he had more to say, yet need the punctuation of silence to separate his thoughts. Carefully she listened and patiently she observed, waiting for the moment to answer, as he slipped from the certain topic of her seeing flows of power, to the idea of seeing other emotions. From the idea of her necrosis to a series of arrant thoughts connected. He seemed excited, intrigued and even apologised for rambling on, yet she was willing to listen and store her answers. She was only stunned when it came to his answer of her question. What he could gain using his ability from her blood.

    “I … The most direct answer to your question, is possibly this: an Essence that draws on one of your powers, but only one. Magic tends to be too potent to allow a mixing. But, it would potentially give the imbiber or recipient, for ... A time, one of your gazes.”

    So only one. And temporary likely. But unspecified if it would last more than once, how long for, and precisely how powerful they might be produced. Perhaps more powerful than hers were.

    Imagine if he gained some of your blood, she whispered as a musing comment.

    There was silence behind her mind, but she knew she was listening for his presence was clear. He did not have to let her know he was there, but in this moment in time, for this scene, he was. Mainly for the use of them sharing the conversation.

    That is something not to be discussed now. A potential for looking into power later, but not until he has more control over what he can particularly gain. He seems far too vague to be trusted about it yet. His tone was condemning and uncertain. It was clear Stare was not the press the matter further. Therefore she didn't but kept the thought there.

    Nevin quickly added more certainty to the matter of a single item of power. And then he stopped. His body relaxed, though he still had a tone in his voice that was thick with apprehension. Or ... Concern. Or something else. At least a tremor.

    She paused.

    Well? Answer him.

    But do I give him my blood? she asked, confused.

    There was a short silence. With the particular limits that he has already imposed, I think we can allow him this boon, Vitruvion advised. You have my permission. Just ... Do not give him too much. I want to be able to see what precisely he does with it.

    An image of her watching later in the night, through the window and observing him appeared to her. Secret, silent, able to spy through the dark ...

    "The ability to see energies, that is barely begun," she explained. "I cannot really answer your questions on that, but that is a guess. I think ... It might be something to do with what essences they possess, I think it might have something to do with their origins." She smiled fast with a glimmer in he eyes.

    "No I have not tried to see other things. It is more a chance of telling if they are lying and it is constrained if they believe they are telling the truth. I don't know about other emotions ... Honesty is a concept, not an emotion sometimes." Pausing, she tried to remember what else he said, "Judgement ... I really do not know. I guess the nightmares thing is specifically designed for the individual, but honesty I have no power over what abilities I have."

    She shrugged, then reached down to pluck her white-bladed elegant mythril dagger from her belt, and held it over the back of her hand, where the bumpy grey and dark blue skin barely pulsed with blood. But it was there.

    "So. Do you have a jar or something then? How mucb would you need to truly test it out?"

    Feel free to bunny her cutting into her hand and filling a jar, or take the blood how he would usually do so. She'd give him a fair amount, even slightly more than she could bare.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin's eyes went wide in shock. Not only was she alright with the concept of giving him some of her blood, she was ready and willing to do it now. He swallowed and shook his head once, twice to clear it of the cobwebs of astonishment that were fogging up his thought process, and actually focused on what she had said.

    "Sweet crimson, no, not a jar! That would likely kill you!" The concept seemed to legitimately distress him. He turned and rummaged in a cabinet, pulling out a slender glass vial, capable of holding only a few ounces of blood. This was offered to her to examine the weight as he explained further. "My magic works by taking a portion of the blood and distilling it. Even this small vial takes what should theoretically be three times too much blood for it to hold - if I tried to take a jar's worth you might not have any blood left, and that is quite disastrous. I'd rather not lose someone I'd tentatively call friend to an accident." He grimaced, leaving unsaid that it would have been his own fault. She stared into his eyes and slowly cut a thin line in the back of her hand, and bright red welled up from beneath the dark skin. Nevin barely had time to blink before he cursed under his breath before taking the vial back from her and placing it next to the open wound. The crimson lines on the back of his hand began to glow a vibrant crimson hue as he pulled not on her life force but on his own to power the spell.

    "Sanguine Anima Visum." The sensation that Stare would feel at this point would be decidedly odd, as Nevin's magic pulled some from her body. The life fluid flowed out from the cut and into the vial. As he had said more than should have stayed inside fit within the vial, almost six ounces worth. He pressed one thumb, a glowing red line running up the length of the digit, against the cut, blocking the flow of blood. This also cut the flow of his magic, and he stepped back, releasing her hand as he placed the vial on the counter top between them.

    "That vial contains blood that should,if what I focused on was accurate, contain the essence of your soul or aura sight." That done, he grabbed the bottle of alcohol and poured the remainder down his throat, before pulling out a clear bottle contained a dark brown alcohol and uncorking that as well, pouring a shot into his empty glass. Nevin sat staring this alcohol for a minute, then his eyes began flicking back and forth between the vial, Stare, and his hand.

  4. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Carefully she watched his eyes, their rapid movements between her turtle-skin, clawed hand and the vial of deep red blood, now stoppered with a small brown cork. Her head tilted slightly as she looked into the crimson liquid, wondering exactly and honestly what treasures it held. Her beak opened slightly as she let out a string of questions to herself in kenku, mumbled and all to do with, "I wonder what I am, what this could do."

    Carefully she eased her hand from under the alchemist's wrist, pausing a moment as she saw a small bead of blood begin to pool at the surface, shining and beautiful in its scarlet pearl. Then, quickly she grabbed a stretch of spare fabric from a belt pouch - cleaned already and prepared for such an occasion - and wrapped it around the wound. Her black eyes focused on it a moment, before she looked back up to Nevin and nodded, once.

    "Those words you said," she spoke with intrigue. "What were they to do? They were not in a language I have heard."

    "And I was only going to put some in a jar. Not fill it."

    She lifted her shoulder and let them fall in a avian-like shrug. She breathed a couple of times, letting her eyes swim across the room to check if the amount had been too much. There was a moment where she thought all was fine. Then ... Looking closer she began to see fuzziness around the periphery of her vision. It was only faint at first, but then it became more serious as the swirling vortexes of colour that were the corner of her eye's sight became complicated. Matted. Bigger.

    A strike of pain to her head, and it was not Vitruvion. It was her body panickily yelling out and saying, 'This is not good!'

    Get out of there, Vitruvion commanded. Before he tries to help you and say 'I warned you.' It is simply wooziness, that is all. You will be able to conquer it very soon.

    Mmmm, she grunted. And she folded her hands into fists. Straightening quickly she inclined her head to Nevin and said whilst the world swam around her, "Thank you. But I should go."

    Though she thought she might be able to get away with just asking how he did his magic, rather than watching via the window. Spying, secretly, like the wolf in the night Vitruvion wanted her to be. Slightly, she swayed, but the steely grip she was determined to keep on her sanity and health was strong. Besides, she had been in much worse health before. Longingly she looked at the new alcohol on the table, but not knowing if it might make her situation worse or better she thought it better not to try. So she decided to go, follow Vitruvion's orders and maybe even come back tomorrow for more chat. As she thought about it more the memory of what he had said, what she had more or less glazed over before as she thought about the consequences of her actions, came to her.

    Friend. He had called her his friend. Though he had been cautious in it and added the word 'tentatively' he had actually said it. And it made her heart beat faster.

    There were very few who regarded her as such. Who she could regard as such.


    Right. She nodded again at the herbalist. "Yes, must go." Her vision was crooked, her body uncertain but she knew what she was being called to do. So she began to turn and leave the store of the new intrigue in her life.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  5. #5
    Senior Member

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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    He watched her quietly as she stood up, pressing a bandage to her hand, and spun his finger around the edge of his glass. Nevin had seen the way she seemed to sway as she looked at the vial of blood, and more so when she stood up. He wasn't surprised, honestly - it was impossible to prepare for the sensation of your blood being drawn unless you had had it happen before. She seemed eager, ready to get out of there, and he couldn't blame her. Even he was uncomfortable with blood magic at times, and he was the one who was working it!

    "The words are a tool to help me focus my magic on the Essence I desire - in this case, 'Blood Soul Sight'. They are the words of the cult that did this to me. Shelf on the left side of the door, the blackish red tonic there is an iron supplement that should help with the lightheadedness you're feeling now. Take it as you go - you can consider it as a gift for allowing me your company and this." One pale, red-lined finger tapped the vial of swirling blood, before Nevin picked up the glass shot of amber alcohol and drained it. His voice was very soft as he spoke.

    "Goodnight, Stare." Goodbye, Avis.

    Last edited by Nevin; 10-09-2017 at 08:19 AM.

  6. #6

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Time passed. Each minute as painful as the last, growing with uncertainty and shame. But she left. And took the iron liquid with her, sweeping it back into her throat as soon as she left the store. Once outside she paused, taking in the street, the few people, the world, before she stood up straighter and began off.

    Rest, but stay close, the advice - no, the order now, he was giving her orders - came.

    Barely able to fight, in physical strength as well as knowledge that he would crush her, Stare grunted, and moved. She could feel the iron beginning to take effect - already she was feeling a certain strength return to her fingers. But it would still be a while before she could properly gain the complete control over her sight and form. Truly, she was grateful for the supplement, that had been a true gift, and it made her want to stay with Nevin longer. Talk over their pasts, their lives and their victories. Share opinions, seek each others advice ... Just banter. But that was not to be. That was not possible at this point. Therefore she left, dragging her clawed feet along the dirty cobbles and headed to the closest pub.

    For a full half an hour she stayed there. She did not talk to Vitruvion, and he offered nothing, aside from a visual reminder she was to return and observe the herbalist through the window. Uncertainly, she sat in the darkest corner of a new bar and drank water, drowning her existence in it. Her heart beat steadily again and a steadiness of sight came back. Time passed, each minute as painful as the last, and she knew she had to return.

    It was dark outside now, but the glory that was her eyes allowed her to see clearly from finding the slightest of illuminations and feeding from them. By the light of the stars, disappearing sunlight and some lamps Stare walked back to the herbalist's store whilst Vitruvion waited.

    Both silent. Both of very different emotions. She felt like she was betraying her potential new friend, and the god felt no guilt at all. Only curiousity. Only power.


    Carefully she made her way to the front window, going as quietly as she could, her heart sinking. Swallowing, she uncomfortably made her way there, hand gripping onto the hilt of her dagger just in case, hating herself more and more. Getting past the obscuring reflection of the glass in the window was hard, meaning she needed to get as close as she was physically able. It meant more chance of being seen, but there was no real light coming from inside the shop front and so she had to try to see by her own will. Had to get close. Had to -

    A sigh escaped her lips. The shop front was entirely empty. No Nevin and no vial. Nothing to even hint that he had taken her blood, but just a simple, ordinary herbalist's store, with the same bottles and clear worktop as before.


    She switched into her heated vision, being able to see by a different sort of light altogether, and she found there were no obvious sources of heat in close proximity. Only a faint red glow towards the back and up of the store, but a source that was doing nothing. Just ... Still. Only breathing. Nothing that could give her any information.

    Satisfied, she smiled and did not hide her joy.

    Vitruvion, on the other hand, was irritated. Damn.

    If you had left me stayed we could have seen it. I could have asked, she said.

    Yes, whatever, the god spat into her mind. Look at you, more right than I for a single time in an eternity.

    Stare rolled her eyes but started to dig at her belt. Where a small back was attached to. Carefully she began to remove paper, a stick of graphite.

    What are you doing? he asked.

    Writing a note ... Unless you object to me trying to keep friends with him. You want to know more right?

    Vitruvion was silent for a while, then he growled. Very well. Apologise. But your holiday is over. Come back tomorrow, I have need of you.

    You always apparently do, she muttered and wrote. Then slid the paper under the door.

    'Sorry for leaving so fast. I'm staying at the Mayflower Inn tonight, but heading back to Beinost in the morning. Should you ever want to write to me, or come to Raieara, then you will need this address:

    Ellsmith Manor House
    Seat of Sir Vitruvion Ellsmith
    Raeberry Street
    Council District

    Your friend, Stare.

    -Fin on this side :P -
    Last edited by Philomel; 10-09-2017 at 08:09 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  7. #7
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    Rayleigh Aston
    Thread: A Bloody Good Time
    Type: No Judgment

    Nevin receives 2065 EXP and 285 GP.
    Stare receives 2850 EXP and 285 GP.
    Jethro receives 270 EXP and 40 GP.

    The following spoil request has been approved:
    Essence of Soul Sight (Stare's Blood)


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