She seemed... distracted at one point - a flash where her gaze hardened, and if Nevin had known her better, or had known other Kenku, he might have been able to recognize the signs of irritation that ran across her face in a matter of a second or two. As it was though, he didn't know her, so only caught the way her eyes shifted for a moment, before turning back to him. He frowned and tapped his quill against the paper, humming in thought. That sounded.... lonely. For a moment he rubbed one hand against his sleeve, feeling the mildly raised lines that ran along his skin underneath the shirt and he bit back a sigh. He knew too well what it was like to... no, he wasn't going there.

"Well. No matter then - insular communities tend to change from the standard, so pockets may develop resistances and immunities at different rates from each other, even given a common starting point."
Drumming the quill gave way to spinning it back and forth between his fingers. There had been some... anger to that last line, about the god. And Nevin was well aware that beings outside of the normal plane tended to be somewhat callous towards mortal beings. Finally he spun the quill around and pointed the feathered end towards her. "I'll be making some medicines in lighter doses for you then. The first batch will be on the.. well, house isn't quite right as I sleep in the attic above my shop, but no matter. It's a matter of gratitude towards you for sparking me towards making medicines more closely geared towards non-Human races. I'll likely be seeing enough of them as things progress. Now then - you said you live here, but are on vacation at the moment. So you live, perhaps, in Corone, but not in Stonevale? What brought you to this town then?" There - hopefully a shift towards a topic that wouldn't generate anger in her. He didn't know if it had been something he had said that had aggravated her before, but he didn't want to incite more irritation in her.