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  1. #4
    Junior Member

    EXP: 3,180, Level: 2
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 1,820
    Level completed: 40%,
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    Jethro's Avatar



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    Gawkers had definitely had a show today as if the bird and strange man was not enough Jethro stepped in. He was a stock medium built man his skin was mottled, or what skin could be seen under a hooded duster. His left pupil was blue the other was crimson as if his eye had been smashed by something heavy and it was still healing. His duster was remarkably aged and well worn. He found a seat at the bar and looked at the grill, and asked the nearest tender "Is that meat fresh?" the bar tender nodded "I'll take roast beef, rare, as rare as you can make it. I'll also take two large potatoes grilled as well, a large wedge of cheese and whole loaf of bread." His tone was a hairs breath away from being monotone and had the bite of aggression to it.

    There was a momentary hissing sound on the griddle and with out much fanfare an entire plate of food was plopped in front of the stranger. Looking over the piece of meat which was still pink the stranger nodded "that'll do." Eyes were on him of course eyes were on him he was a strange looking, stranger in a small town. But unlike the bird lady he was a guy, and it didn't take long for drunken miners to get up enough courage to challenge him. Mid way though his meat he looked up at the ring leader and simply asked " Do you know what a bad idea is?" It wasn't until the drunk miner made an attempt to take the bread from his plate that Jethro showed him what a heavy mistake the miner did make.

    There was a loud crash and an ugly organic crunching sound. The miner's face seemed to have bounced off of the bar causing him to stumble backwards into an adjacent table, belonging to a silent observer. Table, drunk miner, and mead spilling all over the place.

    Snapping his neck at the drunks buddies who started to rise in retaliation he asked in the same unwavering tone he had been using "do you know what a bad idea is?" They backed off and Jethro mentally groaned, this was going to make for an interesting night.

    (OOC Sorry for such a crappy post. My head hurts so bad I can feel it in my teeth))
    Last edited by Jethro; 10-02-2017 at 09:31 PM.

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