Nevin listened to her explanation and snatched up his writing tool again, quickly scratching out several formula scattered across the notes that he'd been working on. He chewed in one end of it as he studied her, frowning intensely in thought.

"No need to apologize Miss Stare.
I'm well aware that alchemy has some skewed views .
It doesn't help that we do make poisons, or other... reagents, from time to time."
He was not about to ask her what she was in vacation from - better not to remind her of it, if she was trying to escape it for a while. A flip of the page brought a blank sheet up, and he began jotting down bullet points of what she had said about her race, twirling his quill at times as he thought. Finally he looked back up to her, his lips quirked in a slight smile.

"Well now. You say you and yours are from another world than our own, yes? That makes me curious about the nutrients that your kin need - mayhap you're missing something, like a mineral. Or your world is close enough to our own that everything you need you already get. That would... Well, thst would be seen on whether or not the Kenku have developed any sicknesses since coming here, and has probably already been addressed if so. But you say that you're lighter built,
and your bones are Hollow - that indicates smaller doses for most things for equivalent effect, but things... Hmm, things that affect the marrow inside your bones might not be as well suited to you as other races."
He had started off speaking calmly, but by the end of it he had returned to frantically writing short hand notes down in the notebook.

It took a visible effort to rein himself back from that, instead focusing his gaze onto her. He had more questions as someone related to medical skills, but he was going to restrain himself to alchemic topics for the time being. At least, what he saw as alchemic topics.

"Have you ever noticed, or heard tell of, medicines not working quite the same on you or another Kenku as they would on a Human or something like am Elf? They're close enough to Human standard that most natural remedies that work on one race work on the other." That wasn't always true for the humanoid races, but, why wonder about the Kenku when he had an individual here in front of him?