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Thread: Aerese Alanis

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    Junior Member

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    Aerese Alanis

    Aerese Alanis

    All adjustments in RED.

    Name: Aerese Alanis “Grim Reaper”
    Age: 28
    Race: White
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 6ft
    Weight: 160lb

    Personality (Optional): Egotistical but very compassionate. Uses his over the top bravado to mask his loneliness and general disdain for everyone around him. However, he would easily trade his life to protect his friends. His general apathy towards the world stems from being lost in a foreign land, but also not knowing why he fights. In general this leads him to avoid fights at all costs even though he is proficient at hand to hand. Not accustomed to a world with magic, he his fearful of magic but also skeptical.

    Appearance: Aerese has a small frame for his size but is muscular despite this. He has more of a endurance body than one trained for strength. Being found in a new land his clothes are very lacking wearing only the black diving wet suit he had when he was transferred to Althanas, and blue jeans with sneakers he stands out. His hair is short, brown, and cropped to the side just barely falling to his brown eyes. He doesn’t have any facial hair aside from a little scruff.


    “Hi, my name is Aerese. I was born in San Francisco, California in 1988. Though I think that amounts to very little here. But I get ahead of myself. I was really rich and damn well off. Two parents, a budding IT company to inherit, and money… lots of money. They afforded me any indulgence I wanted and without realizing it, were training me to be the weapon I truly wanted to be. From the age of 5 I studied martial arts, particularly partial to Korean styles but I did a bit of wrestling in high school. I had one dream, one singular focus. To be a part of the deadliest most feared unit in the entire world, a frogman, a navy SEAL. Best of the damn best.

    Back in the day, I thought wrestling, endless kicks and punches, forms, techniques, and weapons practice was so hard, but I was wrong. You can’t prepare for BUDS. You just know it sucks and deal with it or quit. It’s not really the physical parts that make you forget why you wanted to be a SEAL but more the mental. Knowing that there’s a way out and all you have to do to stop the pain of the pushups, the cold of the water, and the endless drills is to just go and ring a bell, that’s all you have to do to make it stop, but that’s the point.

    The first thing I noticed was the difference between training martial arts as a child versus training for combat as a SEAL. Everything was controlled and paced for children when you’re learning martial arts, in a vacuum of a set skills and practice; mats and pads are a bonus, too. The Navy, they trained you to kill. There were very limited safety nets, just enough to make sure you didn’t get hurt so bad you couldn’t train the next day. Even then, that was up for debate. We had several to end up with broken bones or to pass out from the intensity of the training that they couldn’t continue on and were disqualified from the SEAL program, at the very least from that class.

    Underwater training was the best and worst. At first I was terrified. We were being trained to survive in an element that we weren’t designed for. They pushed us to the point of drowning and resuscitation. It happened to me more than it did anyone else. It didn’t help I didn’t start off as a strong swimmer. I panicked at the water. We would swim for miles in the morning and the evening just to get us familiar with our soon to be home away from home.

    We were trained to be marksman, we were trained to be demolition experts, we were trained to jump out of airplanes from several thousand feet only to deploy at low altitudes. We were taught to be tacticians, masters of camouflage, infinitely patient, and brutal killers when we needed to be. We were the scariest human beings on the face of the planet and everyone either wanted to be us or feared us, and we feared no one. I loved it.

    They trained us physically for it, and trained us to realize how necessary it was but there was nothing like taking a life. A few on our team enjoyed it, I was not one of them. My first life came on our first mission in Afghanistan. From the back, you couldn’t tell much about the man but I was running point while my four buddies watched my back. We had guns but this was infiltrate and eliminate a singular target, stealth was of the essence. My knife felt heavy in my hand but in the reality of things I knew it was his life or my team’s lives. I quietly positioned myself behind him before quickly covering his mouth to keep him from screaming and then shoved my knife through his neck before ripping it out. The hand was simply formality at that point, just to keep him from gurgling to loud while he suffocated and choked on his own blood. I made the mistake of looking down at his face, at his scared eyes. He didn’t see me, he only saw death starting for him as he took his last breaths. The boy could only have been 15 maybe 16.

    The rest of the mission went by like a blur. My teammates sensed something was wrong, but didn’t address it directly. They’d pat me on the back and say things like “good job,” and “damn fucking terrorists, it’s what they get.” It’s how we do things. We are warriors. Killing is our trade, and we are damn efficient at it. When I eventually fell asleep, all I saw was the kids face, but in a way, it was maybe a good thing. It changed me. When I woke up the next morning I was colder, and more efficient. It earned me the name Grim Reaper. They didn’t ask what hit the switch, they just assumed I enjoyed being the harbinger of American Justice, but the truth is, I fucked up and that kid sat there for too long dying. I wouldn’t let that happen again. If I had to kill, they would be merciful and quick kills.

    Eventually my regular nature started to shine through, at least I made it. Jokes started coming back, I would shoot the shit with the boys like normal. We had all experienced the same thing and that’s what made us brothers. The shit we had to, would do… The things we’ve seen, and would see… No one else but us would experience that, no one else would understand, not even our families. Well their families, I couldn’t bring myself to have someone beside me with the nightmares that poured through my head. We went on several long missions. A lot of reconnaissance missions, and a hell of a lot of rescuing marines! Don’t tell them I told you that, they’d track me down and try to beat my ass for that, but we never really did many infiltrate and exterminate missions. Most of those were given to the specific anti-terror teams. We were more your surgical removal teams trained mostly in rescue and recon.

    My last mission before this hell hole, was a recon mission on a scientific facility that technically shouldn’t be there. North Korean’s were up to some shady shit. A local river was being contaminated with a strange bioluminescent chemical that lit the river up at night. Local officials tried to investigate but were shot dead on spot. The South Koreans immediately called the U.S realizing that they didn’t own this facility and weren’t quite sure who did. The U.S called the best damn people for the job. My Team. Entering was probably the hardest part. We watched for days trying to see a weak point in their guard rotation but it was pretty solid so we decided to enter through the aqueducts of the facility.

    We used some specially sealed diving suits to protect us from whatever the waste was and proceeded in. Cool thing about SEALS is while we are damn scary on ground, we are hell of efficient in the water. The only problem is we are not magicians and we do have to breach on occasions. This is noisy as hell and usually means we are in for a fight. We get to a fan vent and easily use torches designed for underwater metal cutting and slip through. The fans were off, and they’re appeared to be no further barriers up and into the building like we thought. About that time, I started feeling uneasy. I still couldn’t tell you quite why but something was in the proverbial air.

    We brought about ten of us in case we did have to breach and we needed more fire power, but it was a little extra as this was seeming to be more of a simple recon and demo. We’d be in and out, and on a plane home in a day after our debrief. That wasn’t the case. Before I unsuited I noticed the bodies everywhere. I was the point man I needed to warn everyone but I wasn’t fast enough. Two people had started to get out of the sealed wetsuits, they were dead instantly. I couldn’t tell you what the chemical was but it ate their skin clean off almost as if they were melting in front of me.

    Two of my friends, two I had known since BUDS training several years ago, just dead in an instant. They didn’t even have time to scream. We were down to eight men left. Suddenly the bodies that laid across the equipment panels and counsels started to move. Horrifyingly they were just skeletons. I had never seen anything like this. I didn’t know what to do I froze. I heard several of the team curse before I heard gun fire. It tore into the bones but it only seemed to dismantle them not kill them. They still came for. A warning rang out in my head. I told everyone to not let the scratch you, just run before they can get to you, and then I heard screams. My two oldest friends’ bones tore into 2 more of our team.

    Screaming run didn’t seem to make my feet move faster, or make anything that was happening any less confusing. It happened so fast the other men that fell began to rise and more bodies seemed to be entering the room from further inside, and, to my dismay, they were coming from the aqueducts we just used to enter. I didn’t have time to think if I had seen bones along the river bed or not, I was in pure survival mode. One door, on the other side of theses monsters, was the only one not spewing the undead.

    I screamed about the exit. Fear was beginning to take over, we were trained not to fear death, but we didn’t fear death because as far as warriors and men went, we were the best of the best. This was a whole different level. This was a primal fear, this was supernatural. There’s books on how to defeat the supernatural but until today I thought they were all fantasy. And to memory, not one mentioned anything about man-eating bones or flesh melting nerve gas.

    The team was gone, I was the only one that made it through the door. I turned to see if anyone else was coming crashing through behind me but I saw nine rubber suited bodies riddled with holes, twisting and moving in unnatural ways. I was the only one left. I closed the door as quietly as I could, hoping not to draw attention. I had C4. I remember thinking I might not make it out alive, but I would be damned if I didn’t bring the whole damn building down on top of whatever the hell was going on here. Some ridiculous experiment that couldn’t be released to the world was about meet one damn pissed off SEAL.
    I set out through the building. We had been given targets to place the C4 in the event we saw no way to save the facility from whatever was happening. I believed this qualified as irredeemable. Being by myself it felt easier to move without being seen. The bone bodies made them easier to hear and easier to avoid.

    I made my way into the center room, a lab of some sort with some sort of super computer we were told. As I approached however the impossible seemed to be happening. The computer was on and running, and there was a man’s voice chanting something, but the lights of the screens were undeniably on.
    Checking through the window as best as my face mask would allow, I did see someone moving. “I hear your heart beating fool. I’ve let you live this long enter.” My answer, was a colorful combination of curse words and insults but I knew I didn’t have a choice about entering the room and facing whoever could “hear” my heart beating. The skeleton zombies were on their way and it honestly seemed like the only way to live, if only but a few minutes longer.

    “Take the mask off, I won’t kill you… You’re interesting, incredibly interesting that you’ve lived this long.” I wanted to refuse but before I could give him the middle finger the glass on my face mask exploded outward away from my face. I decided I would remove it the rest of the way. I don’t know how he managed to do that without blasting my whole face off, but I didn’t need a second demonstration of how out classed I was.

    “You’ve got questions. I won’t answer them. I just wanted to see your face. We’ll meet again I suppose. Maybe not.” His hand rose toward me and a blue swirl of light and something I can’t put into words surrounded me. I fell to the ground yelling as blood poured from my nose. “You’re a warrior, a survivor. Where I send you now, good luck, please try not to be a bore. Do entertain me.” Althanas was all I heard after that. There was probably more but I blacked out.”


    Non-Combat Martial Arts: Receiving a black belt in Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, and having been a wrestler in high school, there’s an elevated level of understanding of technique in kicking and punching techniques, joint manipulation, pressure point striking, and submission techniques. However, outside of SEAL and Basic Training, there’s has not been much utilization in life or death situations and therefore may not be as effective in regular combat.

    Basic Training: Basic training includes hand to hand combat, physical and mental discipline, and tactical training.

    Navy Seal Training: Aside from basic military combat, SEALS are expert swimmer’s adept in combat not only on land but also at sea. Stealth and camouflage are essential characteristics of SEALS that often are used to conceal their presence for observation and infiltration purposes effectively making them invisible to the naked eye. On long deployments, survival techniques such as foraging and distilling foreign water are essential to maintaining health for indeterminate times.

    Abilities: None


    Bowing Knife: 9 in blade standard for military combat.

    Sig Sauer P226: Standard side arm issued to navy SEALS with 20 round magazines. Limit of three shots per use, in sparring/battle threads.

    Necklace of "True" Cold: An unassuming necklace made of shiny Damascus silver, once placed on it cannot be taken off unless broken.

    -Protects the user from harsh cold climates: this helps protect the user from the harsh climates of Salvar, it eases the effects of the climate but does not make the user immune. They must still dress warmly, however when wearing the necklace they will feel a shroud of warmth around their person when met with icy conditions. This has no effect and does not protect against any forms of magic, ice magic or weather created by magic.

    -Lie deterant: Makes the user feel compelled to tell only the truth to the person who placed the necklace on them.
    (Will be received from Amari at a later thread.

    (For those wondering why I left things the way i did, I am planning to dump him in a quest I am about start. Immediately after he was "transported" to Althanas. Also I am open to losing the pistol if necessary. I wasn't sure the protocol on firearms like that, so I added in the event I could keep it.)
    Last edited by Aegis_X; 08-08-2017 at 01:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Hey there Aegis. Welcome to 4.0!

    So, your profile has been a point of discussion. A pistol as powerful and hi-tech as a Sig is usually far too much for a level one character, but we also take into account that you technically have no abilities (although your SEAL training does have the potential for a stealth ability, so we have to factor that in too).

    We have two options to help get you approved:

    1. You keep the Sig as it is and limit yourself to a maximum of three shots a day.

    2. You amend the Sig by allocating it to an ability slot and instead have it fire magical projectiles. This would be much more in line with both the technological side of Althanas and our own technical guidelines.

    What would you like to do?

  3. #3
    Junior Member

    Aegis_X's Avatar


    Aerese Alanis
    i have no problem with the limit!

    My only question is the opening to my quest i'm gonna use up quite a bit of it with more than three shots, will that be acceptable?

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Sorry, I suppose I should have stated the three shots a day rule applies to player vs player combat only.

    However, please note your bullet count will still deplete as normal and you will have to purchase additional bullets from the Bazaar later!

  5. #5
    Junior Member

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    Aerese Alanis
    Sounds good to me thank you very much, i made the changes in red!

  6. #6
    Junior Member

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    Aerese Alanis
    Adding an item that Amari will be gifting me in a later thread as soon as I'm approved.

  7. #7
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Approved! (Sorry for the delay)

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