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    I'm Asking you Icely

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

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    Monster ~ Ashla Icebreaker [Level Seven]

    Name: Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Alias: Ayleth
    Age: 19

    Race: Human / Elf hybrid
    Hair Color: Black with brown highlights.
    Eye Color: Blue in one eye, brown in another.
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 107 lbs.
    Occupation: Bounty Hunter.

    Ashla Icebreaker has left everything behind, including her name. Ayleth Icebreaker attempts to forge a new path that's her own. Ayleth is still haunted by her past failures though, and has adopted a very serious and cold personality. She also could appear menacing and cruel. She will not hesitate to kill multitudes now if it will bring her one step closer to her goal. Ayleth hopes to destroy the likes of the Order of the Crimson Hand, and bring justice and order to Althanas. Although, of course, her actions make it appear like she wants the complete opposite.

    Ayleth still has some of the old spunk of Ashla though. Her sarcastic wits and sharp tongue are as present as ever. She also still maintains an inner pride, maybe even more than before under her alternative identity, and still always feels confident walking into a battle. She also maintains her same views on power and war, amongst other things, as well.

    Physical Appearance:
    Like her elven mother, Ashla has thick, long hair; pointed ears; and a thin, sturdy body form. Like her father, she had blackish brown hair, a round nose, fair skin, and blue eyes. She sustains the heights of a normal human. Ashla is naturally quite beautiful, although she behaves not so elegant.

    Ashla wears various outfits with various cosmetics. Choices of attire may vary based on environment and, yes, mood.


    - Expert Swordsmanship: Fighting in the Althanas Leagues and the Eiskalt War has heightened her skills with the blade. Basing her style's backone off the small basics her uncle Monte Icebreaker taught her, she used her experiences and personal flare to personalize several distinctive styles. All are a bit elegant and provisioned, but are still loose and flexible. Her fighting style has grown a lot more violent and randomized since the death of Julius Tabor. Despite this, she still maintains her elegance (not grace, elegance, mind you) and control.

    - Duel-Blading: Ashla has become excellent at duel-blading. She is just as good with duel blades as a single weapon, even being able to perform whirlwinds of blade and snake-fast strikes; using two weapons as a deadly offensive tool of speed and precision. However, due to her lack of muscle formed by more strength based warriors, Ashla may have a weaker defense when using a secondary weapon.

    - Missile Throwing Projectiles: Having used her Crystalline Spear enough times, as well as her steel dagger on occasions, Ashla has become skilled in throwing missile weapons like javelins, throwing knives, and pikes. She has never used a throwing axe in her life though!

    - Knife Fighting: For once, Ashla let Julius teach her something... For the most part, Ashla's skill in the usage of knife sized weapons are sneak attacks. However, using her dexterity at its fullest, she can take on one or more opponents with a knife, dagger, or whatever else. While she is no master, Ashla can now keep up with advanced knife users, especially when she uses a defense based reverse grip. Her surprise strikes and now a deal to be reckoned with.

    - Self-trained at freeform unarmed combat. Her skills are now at an expert level..

    - Ashla learned sign language from her friend and close ally Black Shadow.

    - The Icebreaker developed the strategic and observational skills of her father throughout time. And she can easily spot hints of something a person may not be saying; if you don’t like her, she’s going to tell sometime soon… She also can quickly plot out battle and other strategic plans such as ways to infiltrate a guarded castle.

    - Icebreaker eyes: When she's extremely angry or deeply depressed, her eyes take on a look that’s like chips of ice. This is not an ability since no damage is caused at all in battle, it only shows whether she may like you or not. Having had a heavy bonk on the head in Salvar, Ashla has heterochromia. One eye is naturally blue still, but the other is so dark brown it looks red. Her Icebreaker eyes have not changed much due to this, both being able to activate at the same time when emotionally instable. However, at mood swings and even instances where Ashla may be able to control, an odd thing happens. One eye will freeze, and another will not. It is her blue eye that seems to like freezing the most.

    - Languages: Ashla knows trade speech by heart, knows average Fallien (majorly common things like "hello", "goodbye", "thank you", alongside phrases and insults), and basic elvish (majorly common things like "hello", "goodbye", "thank you", alongside phrases and insults).


    Natural Abilities:
    (Abilities that rely on Ashla’s physical condition and are not related to her Icebreaker bloodline)

    - Ashla inherited the elvish trait of fitness and is extremely agile compared to the average human meaning she can bend into humanly impossible positions without breaking a bone or misplacing a muscle, she can fit into tiny places easily and is magnificent at acrobatics. [Passive.]

    - Ashla is quite fast, being able to race up to eighty five miles per hour. She can maneuver her body and reach and grab things incredibly faster than the average human. [Passive.]

    - Endurance: Ashla has gone through so much. She’s been burnt alive, beaten to the point of unconsciousness, and sliced by a sharp blade in various places at once. She’s suffered through the harsh chills of Eiskalt and the burning sands of Fallien, she’s gone through hours of child labor. A combination of all these and more, her "numbness," and a hardcore desire to live has granted the Icebreaker to resist and fend off excruciating pain, lasting extremely long in competitive situations compared to a normal human. Small cuts and bruises do not affect her anymore, and she can withstand against very harsh weather conditions. While fatal wounds obviously cause a problem, lesser damage gained in battle won't keep Ashla down for long. [Passive.]

    Icebreaker Abilities:
    (Icebreaker bloodline abilities that any member of the family can learn with training or in moments of peril.)

    - Ice Cast: Ashla has been able to advance her Frost Armor beyond the normal, and combining it with her Particle Restriction, she's learned a completely new ability. She can form up to one hundred fifty pounds of ice per day into any shape of her choosing. She can form it on her body, or up to five feet away - on a solid surface or in the air. The ice is the strength of Plynt. It is also extremely cold, from several feet away even it can be felt like wind from a winter day. Physical contact with the ice can cause mild frostbite up to five posts later.

    - Blood Ice: Ashla can summon a different ice than the kind from Ice Cast. This ice does cause frostbite, but only thirty five pounds can be summoned per day, and the ice is the strength of iron. This ice has adapted the "watermelon snow" effect, making the ice blood red. Really, the ice is loaded with bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These organisms, being in a symbiotic relationship with Ashla, will not harm here. When any living (or whatnot) being is hit on the skin (or whatnot, also look at eyes, hair, etc. what stands in for those varies per species) will experience burning pain, itching, and rapid decay. If a victim is cut, speared, or they swallow it or something; they will have headaches, illnesses of any kind, and hallucinations after about five minutes, conditions worsening as the infections spread.

    - Icebreaker Infusion: Ashla can channel the darkness inside to her ice, allowing her conjured abilities to explode upon wanted timing. The explosions can knock a grown man off his feet, but the shrapnel of the ice is what does the damage, tearing through unprotected skin, and piercing steel at close range bruise and batter someone close by, and can threaten to break bones and cause concussions. She can do this ten] times per thread.

    - Crystallization: Ashla can freeze up to twenty gallons of any liquid into solid ice the strength of steel. She can do this by touching it, or she can cause it to freeze from ten feet away. There are some liquids though, like lava and quicksilver that Ashla just can't freeze yet.

    - Preservation: Already being numb and having endurance, Ashla has begun looking back to her bloodline for power since her daughter's birth. Ashla is immune to magic that would directly drain her endurance or take away her magic. On the downside, she is immune to magic that would buff or improve her abilities. [Passive.]

    - Numb: Ashla has inherited another type of ability from her kin. This isn’t an ability that relies on ice, but rather is a pass-me-down of emotions. Ashla is officially numb. This gives Ashla a very strong mind and will power. By willpower, Ashla is able to shrug off harsh emotions and even push herself past physical pain to accomplish her goals for an extremely short time. More importantly though, Ashla is able to resist abilities that effect the eyes/ mind/ emotions/ etc.

    - Heal: Whenever Ashla is physically injured in any way, both inside and out, a healing mechanism is triggered. Ice covers the wound, keeping it from getting worse and numbing it. Then, depending on the size and severity, it is mended. If a small cut is made, it can heal completely in minutes. If it is torn tissue, broken bone, or a deep cut, healing will take longer. If a limb (aside the head) is sliced or yanked off, it could take a week to a month for it to "grow" back. If a vital organ like the kidneys or heart are hit, the severity actually makes Ashla fall unconscious for a certain amount of time, but they can be healed in time (if the heart is hit though, problems can happen like an uneven heart beat and/ or lightheadedness) The only body part that cannot be healed or even mended is a decapitated head.


    - The Hail Storm's Daughter: a damascus, enhanced (lightweight/ has a hidden, spiked bar in the sheath) broadsword.
    - Parvabow: a handheld crossbow that can be attached to Ashla’s arm, OR have a hilt attached for it to look like a gun. Masterwork steel.
    - Deadpetal: a steel dagger with rose engraved on it.
    - Leather, fingerless gauntlets with delyn plates with three small, lividus chalybs claws attached.
    - A small belt strapped around her leg with a sheath for her dagger.
    - Steel Spaulders.
    - Steel Plate Greaves.
    - Sleeveless, steel chainmail shirt.
    - Belt with pockets for odds and ends (including food and a needle with thread)
    - Sheaths for all her blades.
    - A small belt strapped around her leg with a sheath for her dagger.

    Familiar: A tabby cat: he is orange with dark yellow stripes. He had white down his neck, across his entire belly, to his tail, as well as his paws. White stripes around his tail. His name is Fireleaf.


    Ashla's History:

    Ashla was born in the capital city of Eiskalt to Ashfall Icebreaker and Layla Rose. Her mother died in child birth, so it was left to Ashfall alone to supervise her upbringing. After smuggling Ashla and himself out of Eiskalt to escape Fulgur I’s plans to kill her in the family code; Ashla started her growing life out in Raiaera. While living with her father, Ashla often times fell sick and was a lot of times taken to a hospital to be healed. When she was three, her father grew very ill himself and died. Her uncle, who had been visiting for his brother, decided to take Ashla in as his own.

    While growing up with her uncle, Ashla had followed the rule of going by her mother’s virgin last name Rose. Monte kept her within his reach at all times and refused to let her – or her uncle – know anything of her roots. Monte had been able to keep Ashla’s identity secret until she was nine years old. When she was nine, he told her about her real last name and stated that she could use it instead of “Rose”. This was because Fulgur had already found out and had forced Monte not to tell her of her true heritage, but to still let her know that she was part of the family genetically. Ashla had been banned from all family traditions though, unknown to the child herself.

    After her ninth year, Ashla was allowed to be in the public more. However, due to her isolated youth, she barely made any friends at all. When she was thirteen, she had been placed in ladies etiquette classes. After failing, her uncle made her a steel long sword and taught her how to fight instead. After another year, Monte and Fulgur became more fearful that she would learn the truth about their family. While Monte had been struggling to find ways to cover things up to a more and more observant Ashla; Fulgur I activated his plan to execute everybody in his family except his son and himself. The plot worked perfectly – except that when her uncle had been slain, a furious Ashla cut down the orc mercenaries that had been hired to cut them down.

    After her uncle gave her his last words (“Flee”), Ashla smuggled herself out of the country in a merchant group’s horse-drawn trailer. The group had gone overseas on a galleon (Ashla smuggled herself in the lower decks) and landed in Fallien. Since then, Ashla had been caught by the merchants and driven off. Within the next two years, Ashla traveled from town to town in Fallien in attempts to figure out what to do with her life. She had been on one or two small adventures, which included meeting her future lover Julius Tabor, and helping a family win against their feuding neighbors. She had also found a kitten in a cave where his mother had been killed by a preying animal, and took the small cat under her wing.

    After two years of travelling around Fallien, she met the Coralian Sorish Mon Larsh and her former best friend Iris. After she and Iris visited a crooked fairy’s home, left, then broke up in different paths, never to see each other again. Ashla finally left Fallien at that point, tired of her life as it was, and traveled to Corone for a brief time and engaged in a mistaken Citadel fight with a revenant. Afterwards, she traveled to Raiaera where she met an exiled prince only known as Black Shadow, and formed a strong bond with him. She also reconnected with Julius Tabor, and rebuilt their harshly broken ties. After being captured by Black Shadow’s father and used as bait, and later rescued; Ashla turned to Corone again where she met her cousin Fulgur II Icebreaker and finally learned the truth which Monte and Fulgur I had hid from her her entire life. After which, she teamed up with Fulgur to overthrow the person who had wrecked both of their lives and driven them from Eiskalt in the first place. This sparked yet, another civil war in the country which ended in Fulgur II beheading his father and taking over the crown.Ashla stayed in Eiskalt for a while as the Lady, Duchess, and Sheild Maider of Eiskalt during the Eiskalt War. Afterwards, Ashla left Eiskalt realizing after the recent events she had been through that she finally had a destiny ahead of her.

    Alongside her betrothed, Julius Tabor, Icebreaker returned to Corone. She met her cousin, Gwendolyn Stormhollow, there and banded up with her. When they discovered that the Order of the Crimson Hand was after them both, Julius and Ashla agreed to part ways until they were safe to travel together again. Gwendolyn promised to protect Ashla whenever possible. By that point Ashla swore revenge on the Crimson Hand for destroying her country and her life.

    Only two months after she parted ways with Julius did Ashla realize that they had started a family - she was several months pregnant with a child. Ashla realized that at this point, she was very ill equipped to destroy the Crimson Hand, she developed plans to forge a group to assist her in her goals...

    Icebreaker formed the new group called P.A.L.E. and settled their (nom-military) base somewhere in Raiaera. She ran the initiations for any and all members in Corone's citadel early in her pregnancy. Around that same time, Ciato Orlouge of the Crimson Hand challenged her to a duel. She accepted. She met up with Julius Tabor and Gwendolyn Stormhollow in a tavern, but quickly slipped out due to a massive bar fight. Since then, for the safety of her growing child she slipped into shadows, still dying to be on the front lines and in the action.

    After giving birth to her daughter, Hanuh, Ashla has come back. She still is mainly taking her time for her child, but she has eagerly returned to the front lines of P.A.L.E . However, her time there would not last much longer. When Julius Tabor, who she was actually engaged to at that point, was killed by the notorious Madison Freebird, Ashla was torn apart. Automatically blaming it all on the leader of the Crimson Hand, she finally attempted atLichensith Ulroké’s life. She, of course, failed and experienced a severe mental breakdown. After much consideration, tortured by her losses, Ashla decided to abandon everything. Her group, her few friends, and even her daughter. Hoping Hanuh would be in better care under her old friend Daisuke, the half-elf took on the name Ayleth. Since then, she has worked as a common bounty hunter, but has still been hoping to attain her new goal – destroy those who destroyed her.

  2. #2
    First Officer

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