Ezra continued to watch the fight from their new perch up in a nearby tree, feet dangling down and swaying back and forth. They could have stepped into the fray and assisted, however the more they watched, the more they realized how unneeded they were. By the time they had arrived, the fight was pretty much settled and with Elthas and the mythweaver stepping in to assist, the battle was as good as finished. The Grym, as the storyteller had called them, had been quite an asset in the battle and the Homunculi made a mental note to speak with the man more about his summons. They hummed to themselves, head tilted slightly to the side. Their lack of understanding human (and Goblin, in this case) nature had become a hindrance, and it was mildly frustrating that the answer wasn't so obvious. But an odd feeling had settled in the back of Ezra's head, and they began running the scene over in their head.

'Looking at the battlefield, it does not make sense. This was a small force, far too small to actually hold the mine if they wanted to claim it. This force would have been a much better ambush team, if anything. Our side outnumbered them easily, and if this was supposed to be a scouting party they did a poor job of it. They were not subtle in their movements, they allowed the guards to get away to report their presence, and refused to flee when confronted. I cannot help but be curious as to their plan or if there even was one, but it is unimportant at the moment. We have no dead, as far as I can see...' Ezra pondered, shifting their gaze between the slain goblins and the captain of the guard, who seemed almost impressive for such a small town guard. As they dropped down from their tree perch, their view shifted as the red-haired alchemist ran by towards the captain and... well, that was surprising. It seems the elf had gotten himself wounded and, therefore, poisoned. That had to be painful. With a simple stride, they made their way across the battlefield towards the trio of men. Upon arrival, they carefully sidestepped the guard captain, who said nothing but gave a sharp look as Ezra hovered over Nevin's shoulder. The alchemist hadn't seem to notice the Homunculi just yet, but tact was something that humans used. Knowledge can't be hidden away for long, and Ezra had no time to waste. Answers were needed.

"How is our elven... ally, Nevin?" the Homunculi asked, and regardless of his response or reaction to their appearance, Ezra would continue to speak. "I do have some unfortunate news, though. I have a sneaking suspicion that the force we just faced was a mere scouting party. Or a poor attempt at an ambush force. The goblins do not seem to be rather intelligent, but I suppose this right here was evidence to the contrary." A small, almost amused smile formed on their face, and they sheathed their spear and stretched out their hands towards the forest. They glanced at the captain of the guard, who was doing his best not to look shocked at the idea. It was just a theory, but Ezra felt it made sense. "I would probably suggest that we have a small watch posted here in case more of them decide to return. I have a suspicion that our goblin troubles are just beginning..."

They then shrugged, pulling their hands back and making their way towards Sketch. "Or not. I cannot see the future, after all."