Elthas spotted a girl walking towards Nevin.

Ah that is a good sign. Elthas thought to himself as he waved back toward Nevin. There were folks of all sorts moving around the town of Stonevale. Some going to this or that shop, and some bringing the ore from the mines to the smith shop and many other activities of that nature. There was a pulse everywhere...a life. Elthas's sharp ears caught the story that the word-smith was speaking of. He stared at Sketch's general direction and nodded at the story teller. That story is about The Great Trees of my people... Elthas thought to himself. Elthas suddenly found himself thinking about his family back home.

The Great Tree was a fairly sized town of Forest Elves in Concordia Forest. Ruild. But most importantly, The Great Tree gave off a tremendous amount of life energy and was an gigantic old oak tree that was thousands of years, perhaps older...old. Elthas thought of home as he approached Nevin and the girl, and smiled.

At the same time he turned his attention towards Sketch.

The fellow seemed like a daft sort of guy, he sat on a box nearby. There was a small gathered group of towns folks near to his position. Elthas turned his attention back towards Nevin and the girl. The girl wore a pretty dressed that seemed to have been kept in rather great shape. The girl was very pretty upon closer inspection. Elthas smiled as he approached Nevin and the girl. "Nevin. Glad to see you're well today." The Forest Elf looked at Nevin and the girl and bowed gently towards them. It was a humble greeting, form a humble man. The Elf observed the book that Nevin held. "Did you get your shoppe set up my friend?" Elthas asked.

He then looked towards the girl that was standing near Nevin, also looking at the book. "I've not seen you around town before...are you a recent arrival?" Elthas smiled softly. He continued. "My name is Elthas, what is yours?" The Elf, still relatively young for his people, had a very friendly attitude about himself. He was fairly social and enjoyed helping folks that sincerely needed help. "But yes, excuse me a moment. I would like to talk to that fellow over there for a moment." Elthas said to Nevin and the girl. "I shall return shortly." Elthas tipped his fancy fedora hat in greeting and then moved off towards Skethc's position.

"That story...my people tell it still to this day. Amlen was one of my ancestors." Elthas explained proudly to Sketch and the gathered crowd. House Belthasar, House Bellaparte, and the other major houses of The Great Tree spawned from the union between The Great Heroes Amlen and Rhyn. "An alliance between Men and Elves were forged from that first union." Elthas said with a soft smile on his face. There were children of all sorts listening to Sketch speak. A few Elves were also in the crowd. Elthas looked at Sketch...there was a familiar something that Elthas couldn't quite place in the man's eyes.

Elthas nodded once more towards Sketch. "My Mother told me that story when I was very young. It is one of my favorites." Elthas took out a gold coin from his pouch and tossed it towards Sketch. "You are doing my people a great honour." He explained. "When you're done your work I'd like to speak to you at length later on today." With that, Elthas tipped his fedora hat in greetings once more towards Sketch. He walked back towards Nevin and the girl.

Once he reached Nevin, Elthas smiled again. "Nevin it has been some time since I saw you last...how are things?"