Leaf on the wind...that was an accurate statement of Elthas's life those days.

Elthas looked at Sketch once more and nodded to the man as he moved back towards Nevin and his friend. I assume they are friends...yes? Elthas thought to himself as he moved skillfully back. His boot falls barely missed a single step and it was almost as if he walked on air most of those times. It had to be those Thayne's damned shoes! Even standing still, Elthas's body was in a consistent state of motion. Possibly a side effect of his naturally enhanced speed. Elthas stood in front of Nevin and his freind for a long moment. He was already becoming impulsive and felt the urge to move again, but he was content for a time to speak with Nevin.

Elthas didn't get a chance to hear the daft conversation between Nevin and the girl. "That dress is one of Nan's isn't it?" Elthas politely asked the girl. Nan was once a famous Tailor there in Stonevale. But she'd grown weary of large crows and lived in solitude. Did Nan take on more help? Elthas was curious about that. Elthas knew virtually everybody in town at that point. Nan was not unknown to him. She'd taken in his Brother, Drathis for a time when he'd gotten severely injured during a hunt gone wrong. So Elthas's family had some ties to Nan. "It suits you well." Elthas had calmed down considerably while standing still and having a sense to be a little bit grounded in front of Nevin...mainly for Neivn's sake.

Elthas's mind tended to wander quickly from point A to Point X to the thirteenth power. It was largely how he operated, he rarely liked sitting still and few things legitimately held his attention. That was not his fault, but namely, a side effect of enhanced speed. Elthas was tapping his foot impatiently as he waited to see what Nevin and Ezra would do next. "Have you two had dinner yet?" Elthas suddenly asked with a raised eyebrow. The fedora hat he wore was tipped at a forty five degree angle casting a small shadow on his face. His features, though in a constant state of flux and movement, were handsome. His face was angular and proud. He had the genetic markings of his people, twin pointy ears that were irregularly long.

"The pub is typically buzzing at this time of the day. We should all go inside and have ourselves a nice and hot meal!" Elthas was insisting. "Dinner's on me." Elthas said with a soft smile towards Ezra and Nevin. Elthas stole a glance back towards the story teller, Sketch who was already telling another story. The same gathered crowd of interested listeners was present. Elthas always did like bard type folks, they were an interesting and often mysterious lot. Elthas picked up singing as a hobby a long time since. The bards of Elthas's people were quite skilled in baritone and soprano singing.

Many famous bards of the age were Elves. Elthas hoped to impress his friends with his singing that day. At that point, hurricane Elthas had had enough of waiting and attempted to impatiently tug Nevin off the bench and on his feet if his attempt succeeded. "Come on, come on come on!" Elthas grinned as he did that. He figured his friend would appreciate the warm action. He was chuckling the entire time he did that act. "Let's get going, the day is still young and Adventure awaits!" Elthas was already bounding towards the tavern quickly assuming Ezra and Nevin would follow...