Ezra eventually had found the group they had previously spoke with in short order, looking somewhat out of place as they adjusted the dress and took a seat at the table. It was an odd feeling, being in such a lively environment. They were used to the silence and solitude of the forest, or the occasional yell from Nan. The idea of being around multiple people was an odd one, and the Homunculi couldn't help but think of the note that their predecessor had left behind. 'Was it lonely being you, Ezoreth? Did you not miss the world around you? Miss children in the street playing, or men raucously laughing and enjoying a night with friends in the pub? Enjoying the warmth and company of a lover on a lone winter's night? I know so little about you, Ezoreth, but I cannot help but feel sorry for you. Was our research worth losing out on all of this?'

Before Ezra could continue their mental lamentation of their previous self, a guardsman stumbled in and was promptly met by Elthas. The Homunculi remained rather stoic faced as the panic set in about the tavern. Goblins, the guard had cried. Out near the mine, possibly with something called an 'Overlord' with them. Whatever that was supposed to be, it must have been ominous. The elf was trying to rally the table to join him on a quest to defeat the goblin invasion, and Ezra couldn't help but hesitate. It was recklessly dangerous, and they weren't extremely powerful. Elthas might be good in a fight, but Ezra had little combat experience. Nevin seemed to be a bookish type, which seemed confirmed when he said he'd hang back and work on a cure for the apparent poison the goblins had. And then there was the third man at the table. He seemed mysterious and rather aloof in nature, but there was no indication on his combat prowess. With a heavy sigh, Ezra rose to their feet and brushed their hands against the dress as is to clean themselves of the mess.

"Alright, this seems like a rather bad situation. Elthas, I do not think we are properly equipped to deal with this, even with help from the local militia. You might be a great warrior, but I cannot say the same about the rest of us. The world is not full of shining heroes and dastardly villains like the stories of old, elf. I do not wish to run off to my death over this." They shot a glare at the elf, before letting out a sigh and pushing back their long, off-white braid. "But," they continued, "We do have an opportunity to make things better and I suppose we would be the most capable in such a scenario to change the course of fate. We do this the smart way, however. No rushing off to die."

Ezra continued their gaze at Elthas, quietly judging the elf's appearance. Lithe, tall, and definitely experienced in combat in one form or another. Definitely not a fresh recruit in the art of war. "Elthas, if you can, rally some people to aid in battle. If we went now, we would be slaughtered quite quickly. Make sure the troops, if you will, are armed and ready for what will come. If they come along, I want as many of them to survive as possible. I do not think a too large of force is needed, either, as I do not wish to leave the town defenseless if we fail our endeavor."

With a quick shift, the Homunculi's gaze focused on the seated alchemist. Purple eyes seemed to bear down on the man, as if trying to intimidate or at least pressure him into complying with whatever they said. "Nevin, you are honestly the best sort of healer we have at the moment. You can synthesize a cure for the poison, you say? Then do it. Make as much as you can. Then catch up to us at the mine. Bring us the cure and bring some sort of offense. Poisons, ailments, acid, anything. We will need any sort of advantage you can give us and with the healing formulas in that alchemy tome you had before, you might even save soldiers out there who cannot be moved."

Finally glancing at Sketch, Ezra kept a long look at the man and scanned him up and down as well. With a final sigh of frustration at their lack of comprehension of his abilities, they crossed their arms over their chest. "I do not know you well, sir, but I would hope you have some abilities to aid us. Whether it be combat prowess, magical skill, or tactical knowledge, I can only ask you do your best in assistance in this instance. Elthas, I shall meet you on the edge of town once I am prepared. Good fortune to us because death is not an option I wish to experience."

And with that final note, Ezra lifted the front of their dress and began a mad sprint to Nan's to get their regular clothing and their trusted shortspear.