"As I said, firstly ..." he used his hand that was not still wrapped around his cane to take up an ivory set of papers from in front of him on the desk. They were folded in a careful way, the outside one with a broken seal attached to it - clearly a letter. With a fine quality to the paper they seemed more than enough to be official documents, and the change in styles, size and elegance of the writing upon them suggested that also. Gently spinning them around with his long, pale fingers, Vitruvion's eyes began to gleam and a smile appeared on his face. He pushed the papers towards her.

"Have a read, my dear."

Interest and concern thumping through her blood, Stare leant over from her seat, actually taking a moment to pull it closer to the desk. As her eyes touched the paper she was filled with a great excitement as to what it could be, her eyes simply picking out odd words at the start, wathing how the different forms went from official calligraphy, to more scrawly hand writing. There seemed to be parts printed, such as a section that had a request for 'Description of Subject' as well as various headings and ...

Then her eyes found the top of the paper, way to the top where the heading was proclaimed. 'Issued by the official courts of Hernsford,' it proclaimed, 'Document for official international recognition of ownership of subject to master, officialised in exchange of monetary value and-'

"You are fucking kidding me," she cursed, her eyes suddenly swimming to utter darkness, and rising to meet his.

His blue eyes twinkled, and a broad smile was splendidly attendant on his face. "No, I am not," he replied, a line of utter delight in his voice. "It took intense bribery, a series of magically designed portraits of yourself and me to be sent, and a good few months to actually have the issue go through the courts, but indeed," he reached over and slipped thumb and finger around the top of the page. "I have succeeded in indirectly, for one of the first recorded cases ever, in petitioning Hernsford for official ownership."

"But you are not even a resident there!" she yelled, "You said that it would take a month to buy a house and live there for a while and-"

"I have a friend called Maester Rafael, who works as both merchant and official in the courts," Vitruvion shrugged, tugging on the paper. It began to slip from under her hand but Stare slammed down her palm flat, causing it to stop slipping. Vitruvion frowned a little, but continued his description. "He managed to buy a house in my name for me, without me being there, interring me as a resident. In that way I could then process you as my property, under that residency and ... well."

He tried to pull on the paper again, but her hold was firm and determined. Her stare was terrifying. It would have made any usual person relive their literal worst nightmare - aside from Vitruvion. He simple laughed, closed his fingers tighter and plucked the sheet from under her, sliding it out with ease. She managed to drag a claw over it as it did, carving a long strip and a shrrkk of sound in the air. Vitruvion just smiled wider.

"There is a second copy in the courts at Hernsford itself, and more copies elsewhere, so no matter what descruction you might try to take out on it, it is done my dear. You are officially my property. Just as I promised all those months ago."

"You are a fucking bastard," she slumped back, watching as he began to fold the now impure parchment away. Her eyes found the words under the area it said, 'Description of subject,' that said, 'Kenku. Four foot ten and a quarter. Currently seventeen years of age. Emerald green feathers at neck, muscular build. Small-' but then it was folded shut and the whole document was pushed smartly and proudly into a drawer.

"This you have told me many a time," Vitruvion answered, "And really, Stare, there is no difference. I am your god. It is more of a legality ... a question to others if we ... for instance ever got separated somehow. I could hire bounty hunters, and they would keep you well and safe for me, rather than letting you come to harm. For any idiot knows a master prefers his slaves well and whole. So really ... this is a good thing for you. It gives you a certain degree of security."

She groaned and shoved a hand over her eyes. "I hate you. Absolutely loathe you."

"Hmm, and I hate you often, also," the god nodded. "But - we benefit one another. You would be nothing still without me, just a baker's assistant forgotten in this city. Instead, now, you are a steward to a very well-respected noble house, you have a very decent salary I should say, you have more power than you ever thought possible, and I ... well I get you. Your abilities, your sight, your undying loyalty ...
