"Mommy! Why do we need to go shopping for potions? Can't we get something to eat instead?" Mylie whined loudly. Her little tail was twitching with impatience. Her lovely green eyes bright and shining, ever the little cat-girl ready to make mischief. Or to be bluntly honest, to eat any yummy treat she could find. Her little paws were tugging on the sleeve of her mother's shirt. The bright chocolate hue shiny, almost begging her mommy to change the errand she was running.

Rainee's soft white ears twitched irritably beneath the hood of her cloak. It was a lovely blue morning. The sun shining like a bright beacon overhead as mother and daughter pattered over the cobblestone streets. The older anthro's figure was relaxed, though their was slight tension in her posture from the way her daughter was begging for her needs to be met. As they passed quiet shops slowly opening their stores up for business. The cat mother took a deep breathe of the fragrant air. The was filled with the rich scents of herbs, of baked goods, and stew that were slowly being cooked and prepared. It made the slim kitty girl's stomach rumble, reminding the white tailed anthro that they had left Grace Manor without breakfast.

Pursing her lips, Rain looked at her eager little girl and said lightly "Honey, how about a deal? You let mommy run her errands and I"ll let you get whatever you want for breakfast, ok?"

Mylie's chocolate orbs lit up in delight, her tail wagging enthusiastically as she exclaimed "Sure mommy! I"ll take you up on your offer! Come on mommy! Lets go buy your potions!" the little troublemaker then tugged on her mother's sleeve vigorously, leading her down the street as she looked at the shop's various signs. Her eyes lit up when she saw what looked like sweets in the clear glass panes of one of the opening shops. Her tug grew more energetic as their was a plea to her voice as she whimpered "Candy! Look mommy candy! I want some please!" she pulled her mother closer to the shop, and stared intently at the sign. A squeal escaped from her as she murmured "It sells herbs too mommy! You can get your potions here! Can we please go in here?"

Rainee's walked over to carefully read the sign, a sigh escaped her lips as she answers "Alright darling, but be good! and no problems!" her face was stern after she said this, making sure her rambunctious daughter got her unsaid message.

Mylie meows softly, her tail still as she responds quietly "I"ll be a good girl mommy! Trust me!"

With a nod, the pair then made their way to the shop's door, opening it a bell jingled to let the shopkeeper know they had arrived. In a loud voice Rainee called "Hello? Are you open for business yet? I"m here to buy some healing potions if you have them! And," with a glance at her little girl she finished "My daughter is interested in the candies you are advertising in your window!"