Nevin looked up from the text he was working on at the moment - this one was in a slightly more archaic variant of the language he was used to using, so it was taking some time to decipher the writings. His greeting froze on still lips as he processed the two.... individuals... who had entered his shop. Mental processes skidded to a halt as his eyes scanned the two newcomer's, at first thinking it was some kind of costume, but the way the appendages twitched and flared...

Cat-human hybrids. That's a thing. OK, no, sure, there are sentient birds walking around, so why not cat people, it only makes sense. Crimson, that's an entire category of medicines I can't make for people like this - that plant causes intense allergic reactions in felines, that one causes emetic distress.... Wait she said something about - Nevin's thoughts roared back into gear as he realized she had mentioned a child. His dark eyes scanned the shop, trying to figure out where the daughter was - and he spotted her, still and quiet beside her mother. The man smiled and studied her for a moment before pushing the tray of flavored candies to the fore.

"Indeed madam, I sell a variety of healing potions. Are you needing a general restorative, something to help with skin issues, an intestinal fortifier, or perhaps given the locals' main source of income, something that works on lungs? And for the little one - honey, mint, or strawberry?" Nevin was trying very hard at this point not to snatch yo his notepad and graphite to start writing down notes about these two. Cat-hybrids was an interesting concept - they would likely be more inclined to alchemical concoctions that had some kind of fish base - not something he worked with often, but he knew at least one medicine that called for fish eggs. And there were a couple of plants that had different effects on cats than on other animals - his eyes widened and he scanned the shop, trying to remember if he had any poultices or dry compounds that had been made with catnip.