Rainee placed a finger against her lips, her face was thoughtful, her eyes squinted in concentration as she absorbed the shop-keep's words. Her tail was twitching as the potion's effects was flowing through her body. Her curiosity was high, she really wanted to know what was locked behind the glass case. Without bothering to ask, the cat-girl leap across the counter, her white soft tail banging against a small bottle causing it to crash to the floor with a resounding THUD. Not even noticing the bottle's demise, the anthro padded over to the locked case and begin to sniff it intently.

She could smell the plasma, strong, pungent lingering inside her nose, she could also smell the clean scent of the herbs mixed in with the blood. But it smelled extremely strange to her keen sense of smell. Her ears twitched rhythmically in tune with her hands touching the glass carefully. Her instincts were telling her something was up, that this shop-keep was hiding something. Her silver orbs then scanned his shop methodically, roaming over the various potions in their clean glass jars and bottles.

Meanwhile, her little girl was bouncing on the pads of her paws, the sugar rush was effecting her body making her much more hyper then normal. The fact that her mother was acting unusual, made little Mylie lose what little self control she had on her mischievous nature. Her little tail begin to wag like a metronome as she traipsed over to the tray of candies, her little chocolate eyes were soft almost shimmering as she made an extremely cute innocent face as she asked loudly "Can I have more candy mister? I want to try both the honey and strawberry! You make yummy, sweet treats!" Her paw then reached for one, almost as if she was expecting him to give her permission to take as many delectable goodies as she wished.

That niggling feeling, that their was more to the shop-keep was still coursing through her veins, since she was right next to him, she got close studying his face, his eyes his whole body. Her silver eyes narrowed to slits as she opened up her sense of smell to sniff him. His scent was human, but she could scent more, something darker deeper was coursing through his veins. Her nose twitched as she could swear that she smelled blood on him. Her examination returned to his face, her orbs still squinting as she thought He isn't injured? So why do I smell so much blood? Who is this man? What is going on here? This just seems like a simple potion shop, but why does the shop-keeper appear so strange?

She begin to circle around him energetically her hands reaching out to examine some small little bodies filled with bluish fluid. These just smelled like herbs, almost earthy like the forest she used to play in with her brother back before the bandits that had torched her village had made her life hell. She checked a lime green potion, this one smelled minty, almost as if it was used as a perfume to smell good. Seeing that her daughter was starting to act out, she paused in checking each potion to say lightly "Mylie, be good! Don't cause trouble!!" her voice was sing-song though, not strict like before, as she went back to exploration of trying to solve this mystery.

Seeing that her mother wasn't really scolding her, the little kitten just waited expectantly for the shop-keep to give her more candy, while her paws hovered out ready to reach for one, once she got permission.