Mylie squealed with happy delight as her little paw reached for a yellow colored candy. Holding it carefully, she put it on top of her tongue and begin to suck on it. Feeling the sweet yummy honey begin to flood her senses, she meowed in happiness. Sucking on it still for a couple for minutes, she begin to feel the tingly, numbing effect happen and she giggled. Turning to look at the now flustered shop-keep who was chasing after her extremely hyper mother. Her tail wagged giddily as she chirped "Misterl! You make the best candies ever! You blend the flavors perfectly!" with her tail twitching nonstop, she turned to her mother and shouted "Mommy can I have a bag of his candies please?"

Rainee was smiling, her heart felt light as she nimbly dodged the shop-keeper's attempt to grab her so he could escort back to the proper side of the counter. Her silver eyes were shiny, she was having fun, letting herself loose from her strict manner she ran Mylie's and her life normally. With her tail swishing back and forth, she felt the end of her tail nip another bottle. This one just wobbled a bit and tipped on its side. She then ran against the other side of the cabinet, her eyes locked on the shop-keeper's as she asked curiously "You seem so nervous now? What is it your hiding? Is it because I asked about these potions here?" She put her hand on the shiny glass of the locked cabinet.

He really must have something to hide! He wouldn't be sweating bullets if there wasn't something he didn't want me to know! Her eyes then scanned over the shop-keep's lean body again, the scent of blood was still quite potent to the anthro's keen sense of smell. This caused her brain to go into overdrive to connect the dots of why the aroma of plasma was so strong. Even as the old couple entered the shop, and sure heard the elderly woman's musical voice tease the shop-keep about her being his wife and Mylie his child. A giggle escaped her lips as she says softly again "Tell me if you want me to go back to the regular store? What is behind these potions? Something smells funny about them and I really want to know what?"

Mylie now that her body was full of sugar begin to prance around the store looking for anything interesting. She found a pretty pink potion, that was floating with green herbs, it had a very sweet floral aroma. Her curiosity got the better of her as she asked excitedly "What is this potion mister? It smells pretty and looks lovely! Is it perfume?" her little paws went to grip the almost too big bottle. She looked comical as she carefully teetered over to the cash register and lightly placed it down for the shop-keep to look at. In a sweet, almost purr-like voice she chirped "Tell me! I want to know!"

The leaving of the elderly couple didn't even register to the mother-daughter pair, as the cat mother really wanted an explanation to the blood she was keenly smelling and the little one just wanted her questions answered in a way she could understand.