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  1. #4
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    “So, is...she yours, then?” There was a heavy note of suspicion to the man's voice – the same man who had been speaking to Nevin before, from what he could tell. At the words, several of the people who had been gathering around the Alchemist dispersed – as strange as this was, the fact that the other animals were still running loose was more of a problem than whether or not one of them had been someone's pet. The man that had spoken strode over to Nevin, his face purpling in anger as he glared at Nevin and the corvid that was still happily preening the top of the Alchemist's head.

    The redhead held up his hands placatingly, the gesture failing miserably as he tried to calm the man down. “No, no – I have not seen the bird before today sir. I don't know why she claims to have found me.” A small portion of the color drained out of the angry man's face as he stared at Nevin – and apparently decided to believe him.

    “The fuck do you mean you daft man – it's a bird. Look, give it here if she's not yours.” He reached out, trying to take the bird from Nevin's shoulder. This was rapidly revealed as a terrible decision; the bird's eyes snapped open and she flared her wings, snapping them open so suddenly Nevin felt a breeze on the back of his neck. The bird opened its beak and a loud, discordant note sounded out, a flute played in sheer rage.

    Even though Nevin's ears were ringing, none of the others seemed to notice. The man kept reaching before Nevin could warn him – and the corvid's beak flashed down, snapping shut with a resounding clack just in front of the man's fingers. The man snatched his hand back, holding it against his chest as he glared at the bird in shock and anger. The crow – or was it a raven, which was naturally bigger? - settled its wings back down, letting out a soft series of notes that sounded very smug to Nevin.

    “She, ah, says that she's found me and is not going to let anyone take her away from me.” The bird made a chuffing noise as it nodded imperiously, then twisted its neck down to nip affectionately at Nevin's ear. Nevin grimaced and gave a weak shrug as the man shifted his glare to him, unsure what to do about this.

    “Fine. Keep the ruddy thing. It wasn't really part of our show anyway, no clue where the damn thing belongs. Alright boys – let's get the rest of these guys back into their cages so the nice townsfolk can go back to their warm beds, no need for more excitement tonight.” Nevin frowned as the people around him melted away, heading back to trying to catch the other animals. He shot a glare at the happy bird, unamused by its antics.
    Last edited by Nevin; 10-10-2017 at 08:43 PM.

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