She sucked in her breath when he touched her, flinching out of instinct more than anything. If there was one thing the last few days had taught her, it was to take nothing as advantage. Any man at any time to come in and fix more chains around her. Anyone, who did not know what she was worth (probably the reason they had not harmed her yet) could come and rape or kill her. Dinner time was ugly as without her eyes to see Stare had had to rely on her captors in order to eat. Mostly so far it consisted of opening her beak, or having it forced open, and some ugly cold rations forced into her gullet.

So when Nevin - for she was so sure it was he now - touched her, the kenku gasped and tensed. Immediately she ducked her head in apology and made certain to listen as he spoke. Certainly she was surprised when she found out that he was not blindfolded, and she could not help the green snake of envy stab at her breast when it occurred. But then, as she considered, it made sense that she would have no sight, because of what she could do with it, and it made sense to bind her. Because she could take her blindfold off and reduce them to rubble. Nothing stood in the way of her stunning stare now, and the ability of hers to damage skin could go terrifyingly far.

"Why would they target you out of the many on these islands?" she asked, ignoring his request for now to cut him. It was stupid, really. It was never an option, he was her friend after all. He said he could get her out of the cuffs, but she doubted that very much.

So many times, in the past few days, she had tried. Easing her claws into the locks she could reach, and picking. Using a long stick she had luckily found on the ground - well that had led to self-stabbing in the butt, that could be admitted. Truly, she did not think that getting out of these bonds - for now - was possible. It could wait, because right now she wanted to know the reasons why he had ended up here also.

"Nevin, I am sure these ... idiots are bounty hunters. They have not harmed me, besides my ... whatever you can see."

Uncomfortable at the touch of his flesh under her claw, she tugged at her wrists, grunting as they sent her rocking forwards. Only a quick shift of her weight caused her to not topple right over. At least she was away from his reach, however. Stare paused, then continued.

"Okay, that and force-feeding me, because they are dickheads. We need to know where we are ... but if you do not know then I cannot help right now. Your essences of blood won't help today to ... pick a lock. Unless your blood is particuarly acidic now."