It did not take Stare long to react.

Quietly, and subtly, she had been waiting in the corner, creating the ruse she was collapsed or dead. Just what exactly had made the jailor assume that was the truth was beyond her, but then he was an idiot. Was he thinking, as he strode towards their cell door, that her chains would keep her from being a true danger. Was he thinking, that his jibes about her 'eating' Nevin were in fact never going to lie in reality? Stare would have defended herself until the last, despite having been blinded and trussed up like a yuletide turkey. With any man, woman, or other, she would have give a good fight before dying with a last breath. Had the man really believed that she would go from being deadly loud and defiant, to a meek, fainted bundle? Just what had been going through his head as he walked in to meet Nevin.

And then endure a failed attack with a knife made from hardened blood, and club the young man on the head.

Well, that was something that Stare, peering from the darkness, would not allow. The man, after all, did not know she was there. He assumed she was at least blind and chained. He did not consider the fact she might dangerous, so helpless had she been left the last few days.

Her knees already tucked beneath her, Stare leapt as a reign of fury from the corner, her beak wide open and calling a cheer of war. The door was still open, and the guard had just walked in and hit Nevin, without the boy having done anything but turn. It caused a problem - and that was the guard himself. So Stare needed to deal with him. She called and she awkwardly lunged, using the faint elements of her might to attack. Her beak flew open and though she barely got two feet her eyes were still daggers.

It meant that the jailor was ultimately attacked from the shadow, as a death caw rang around the stonework. With concentration on his ankle, Stare willed a severe amount of pain on him, as much as a blunt knife stabbing. Letting out a loud groan the guard dropped the club from his hand - and then dropped to one knee. He cried out in pain as Stare landed with a thump on the ground.

Yet still she soldiered on, and threw her hatred eyes at his face. No sooner had he bent to clutch his ankle than a large bubbling mass of skin began to appear on his cheek, the genuine flesh dying rapidly away. He screamed and clutched at it, but all that that did was cause the skin to flake off, then fall of into his hands.

"Finish him off!" Stare hissed in a cold, detesting voice, as spiteful and horrible as Vitruvion had made her. "Kill him."