Stare was... shaking. Nevin could see that, even as he looked at her as she screamed at the darkness in the corner of the room. Whatever the mage had let slip just then, it had gotten to her in a very potent way, and for the life of him Nevin couldn't tell of she was trembling in rage, or fear. She shrieked for answers, demanding to know, but whatever had been there, unseen, gave no reply to the Kenku woman.

Nevin filed the last words away. He wouldn't bring them up with her not now - but he would be thinking about them, turning them over on his head as he tried to figure out why exactly it was that his friend had panicked at them. But for now.. For now, he knelt down and picked up her helmet, then slowly walked over to her. One hand stretched out, hesitating for just a moment before he clasped her shoulder gently.

"Stare... Avis, we need to get out of here. If his sponsor, whatever it was, was watching and knows he died here - or killed him itself it seems -then it is sure to have sent reinforcements. We should b gone before they arrive." He stated into her eyes for a moment before pressing the half-mask into her hands, and swiftly gathered up the book and the vial. His skin shuddered at the contact with the book, and sang as his fingers closed around the flask. He would worry about replacing his broken and lost gear later, for now he tucked these into pouches on his belt and took Stare's hand, trying to lead her down the hall that exited from the other side of the room. Now that he could see it, Nevin realized that there was a faint trace of sea salt in the air - the exit would be down this way. He frowned to himself - no matter what, they would have had to face the mage it seemed.