"From what I know, she's a skilled fighter. But as I said, we'll need to travel to Corone proper to meet with her. So, before then, let's make sure we get to the mines and gather the metal for our weapons. So." The alchemist stood up, stretching out his back from the chair and popping his spine. "Let's prepare for the mining trip - I'm certainly not ready to head into the mines, and I don't think you are either. So, let's meet back here in half an hour or so - you'll want to acquire a pick or pickaxe, and a large pouch to carry ore. I'll do the same."

He bowed, and set a few coins on the table. He knew Sketch had offered to pay, but with how much the orator had eaten his bill would be substantial enough without adding Nevin's tally to it. Aphrael trilled a parting flute set as Nevin walked off, heading towards his shop. He intended on getting the stimulants he so desperately needed, as without them he might just pass out while they were working.