Just on the horizon if looked at by the faun was definitely a ship, not just any ship, this was a modified fast frigate that had just been saved from being broken up for fire wood. She was the Monique, and she was sailing beautifully, throwing a bow wave up above the weather deck and down half of the length of the ship. In short the Monique was cracken on like smoke and oakum!

Inside the great cabin behind a desk sat Captain Cain Jodin mulling over a log and a chart of the waters they were in. He was tracking a ship, over the last two years he had encountered this particular pirate ship, a thirty six gunned xebec called the Mirage. He had noted where it had appeared and had disappeared and the times of day that it had showed up and had set a course which would take the Monique and her consort the Peregrine right into the center of the sightings in the hopes of finding her port.

At about the same time as the faun's ship sighted the Monique, the Monique spotted the fauns ship "Sail! Sail Ho! Strange sail on the horizon!" A look out shouted. Then a moment later the rata tat tat of the drum beating the crew to quarters alerted Cain of the presence of more than a fishing boat on the horizon. Bulkheads that separated the ship into different cabins began coming down as Cain donned his weapons belt, sea coat and finally his trusty and weathered tricorn hat.

Stepping out he asked his boatswain "Where away?"

Mr. Grimhand pointed and stated "two points to larboard." Cain let his eyes focus to that distance as Mr. Grimhand used the glass but even the average sighted would soon see that the ship they were closing on was no xebec. "She's not the Mirage, and an extra ration of grog for the seaman who spotted her. Good eye." Mr. Grimhand touched his knuckle to his brow and noted the extra ration in the log.

Cain followed up by turning to his signal man "Signal the Peregrine to close into a cable's length and to beat to quarters. Strange sail on the horizon. And give her one signal gun every five minutes til she acknowledges."

Across the near twenty miles of water that made up the horizon on the faun's ship the boom of the Monique's signal gun could be heard and she could see signals going up.