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  1. #5

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    When the second sail appeared, a wary murmur went through the crew. Philomel's repeated insistence that they were in no trouble did not appease all. For some it simply made their continued confusion turn into panic, and it took Maverik to march up and stare into their faces for them to finally be silent.

    "We do not know them," Philomel repeated, "And yes there should be no others in this water. But we will greet them on friendly terms - for now."

    "And what is the contingency, captain?" an uncertain voice spoke up, "One ship perhaps we can handle, but not two larger than ourselves."

    "Are you doubting the skill of the ship and crew?" One, more confident and very busty crew member looked at the speaker. "We have faced worse."

    "But not so in unknown waters!" protested the first person. "Not near such ... Uncertain. There are vampires."

    "'Were' and might not be now," Philomel corrected, her hooves now carrying her through the thronging crowd. "Now are you actually going to obey orders and get ready or ..."

    A lull settled into the small crowd, with some keeping keen eyes out constantly to the approaching ships. The one in the crow's nest was still there, and the one who held the ship's wheel at the helm had paused in the steering but still had steady hands on it. There were looks being passed around but a Philomel stared, they began to move. At first it was slow, but then a few seconds passed by and the speed built. A whirl of feet and bodies and soon the ship was back to working order.

    With a sigh on her lips, and finally satisfied, Philomel herself worked to prepare her people. Bows were dealt out to the twenty trained archers they had on board, and ten muskets alongside that they tended to use far less. She heard the thumping below decks that indicated cannons were being rolled into position. As the two ships came along by hers, almost sandwiching the Feisty Fox uncomfortably between them, Veridian came down from the prow. Tail swishing with apprehension he joined her.

    "Permission to come aboard?"

    Twirling around Philomel came eye to eye with the site of the captain of the other ship. A tall human with a tricorn hat, and holding a brass trumpet to his lips that echoed and magnified his voice.

    "Do we recognise the flag?" Philomel asked Maverik, who stood behind her. She gestured the large, colourful emblem on a flag.

    Mav shook her head, her huge frame armed with a hefty sword and a crossbow held low.

    "Do not think so."

    Pursuing her lips Philomel paused a moment and considered not letting the captain of the other ship aboard. It might cause consternation, and risk combat. Battle was something that she knew her ship had less ability to win, even with her magic and the Feisty Fox's guns.

    So she came up with an idea.

    "Captain only," she pronounced back. "And we can ... Speak."

    Behind her five warriors stood, each with a readied bow, but pointing at the ground. Slowly a board pathway was offered.
    Last edited by Philomel; 10-22-2017 at 06:51 PM.

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