Cain smirked and spoke to Mr. Grimhand "If things go south do not hesitate. Mr. Agon will follow the Monique's lead." Mr. Grimhand touched his knuckle to his brow and simply replied "Aye sir." and stepped away. As soon as the path bridging the gulf of both ships was secured, Cain stepped across and the moment his hessian boots touched the foreign deck he paused, saluted the holy Quarter Deck and the ships Captain. Cain was a sanguine, amiable kind of man and was smiling, his right ear or more specifically what was left of it was curled up and cauliflowered, a side effect of a flint lock being fired close to it. His scalp looking like it had been sewed back together on more than one occasion, and of-course there were multiple other memento's of a life at sea. His apparel was well used but incredibly well maintained. His boots, and brass polished to a high shine, his sail cloth nankeen trousers, and shirt were still white, and contrasted well to his blue sea coat.

"Thank you for receiving me Ma'am" Cain stated most cheerfully, oh there were murmurs among the all female crew. But that was understandable, Cain thought as having two ships rigged for fighting happen upon you at high speed out of nowhere would be disconcerting even for a crew as well trained as the Monique's and Peregrines. After the salutes were over Cain took a moment or two to listen to the symphony that the Feisty Fox had made.

Percussion, the base thump, thump, thump of the deck hands walking to and through doing their duty. The watch bell rang with it's sharp ding-ding, ding-ding, there was the slap of the swabs, the thump-shoosh, thump-shoosh of the holy stones, below decks, and the click-clack of windlasses being turned. The stings, cordage being pulled through blocks and tackles, hawser lines being ran through through the holes, and the creek of the ratlines, and stays as sailors changed stations. Winds, the high pitched whistle of the wind blowing through the rigging; the sails, pennants, and flags whipping in the stiff breeze, and the scuttling hiss of water passing along the side of the ship. Finally there was the vocals, not the baritone, and bass of the Monique, but higher as the hands grunted with each pull of the rigging, orders called out, and the idle calls and readings from the crew.

Cain, smiled and said "Ma'am, I am Captain Cain Jodin of the private Man O' War Monique. My ship, and her consort the Peregrine have been following the wake of the Alerarian
pirate ship Mirage. She is a beautiful Xebec rigged thirty six, eighteen pounder ship. Further, your duties withstanding, you, your first mate, and midshipman...woman of the watch are invited to the Monique for supper." His smiled widened to almost full mirth, the practice of inviting one captain to a dinner was common. The only awkward may be from the fact they were female.