Cain's eyes were sharp and he caught the wry looks, and of course he did higher pirates, smugglers and mercenaries on a regular basis so he knew what to look for. More importantly he knew the difference between the blackguard types and those that were more honorable. There was a way that the ship was sailed that told him even more. His smile turned just a little more knowing but he said absolutely nothing. "Ma'am you have a fine, happy ship, with a well trained crew. Supper will be at four bells of the dog watch. My crew will be glad to receive you as guests, and don't be surprised if there more unofficial invitations from before the mast and the from the quarterdeck. It's not every day that we happen upon a ship full of women who have so much in common." Once again he saluted the holy quarterdeck and then the Captain "Permission to return to my ship."

When the permission was granted Cain passed over the accommodation ladder and ordered "Stand down from quarters, all hands return to your work stations!" In a voice that could be heard over the roar of a full treble shotted broadside. Turning to a squaker a young boy just learning the life at sea he ordered "With my complements, have the cook come see me." When the ships cook arrived they discussed what to feed a faun and a fox and various other guests. During the interim Cain and the Monique's carried out business as usual, the midshipmen were taught navigation while the squeakers were instructed in seamanship and knots. Watches were changed with the ringing of the ships bells and the boatswains pipes. Cain as a good captain made sure that he was involved in with the crew on an almost personal basis, he knew each one of them by name and at-least their parents, and any siblings. He was actually seen on every part of the ship from the quarter deck, to the far end of the bowsprit, to the top of the three inch in diameter spar that made up the royal main mast. Also during this interim the hands that they were sneakier than Cain's eyes carried on capers meant to impress the all women crew across the gulf of water. The performed stunts, flexed their muscles, and raced up and down the ratlines and back stays.

Tim soon came and the ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding of the Monique's watch bell announced that it was supper time. Besides Captain Jodin, Mr. Grimhand, the Monique's watch midshipman, were also present. There were seats enough for the Feisty Fox's captain, her first mate and even a place set for the sentient/sapient fox. The meal was a grand affair and Cain presented it in such a fashion "For the meat eaters!" he announced after a modified 'wives and sweethearts toast' "We have a pheasant pie with mushrooms" and the ships cook and steward brought in a large pie big enough to feed ten people filled with pheasant meat, mushrooms of every shape and size, sweet peas, and onions all swimming in a gravy made of red wine, a most savory dish. "And for those who refrain from eating meat! We have green stuff! Prepared just as extravagantly as the pie!" and Cain did not lie, it was a platter filled with fruits, vegetables and nuts of every kind and with complementary flavors and in the middle of this pile was a dish filled with five separate thick liquids some made of milk, some made of wine and some made of coconut milk used to dip the green stuff in. "Captain! May I offer you the first serving?!" Cain said excitedly.

When the food was passed out and the meal began in earnest Cain said across the table "We had lost the Mirages wake about three days ago when she passed through a fog bank. Yours was the fist sail we had seen since than and we decided to say hello, and see if you had any news." Cain smiled, "but since the trail has gone cold, and we most likely gave you a moment of worry I would like to make it up to you. How can my ships help you?" He asked in earnestness, happy to entertain guests.