The leading ladies (and earth-spirit) of the Feisty Fox were sumptuously entertained for the evening. Despite what Captain Cain seemed to suspect about them, his crew and he lavished upon them fine food. Veridian tore at the hunk of pheasant before him through the night, savouring every last drop as Philomel dined on good vegetables. For a while now she had been eating purely vegetables, in an attempt to better understand her goddess. It had taken its toll - she had lost some of her strength recently, and her powers seemed to be going through a shift - yet she felt in control. She felt honestly closer to Drys than ever before, feeling the earth more solidly, the plants as living beings and the rocks and dust around her as something to manipulate. As the evening went on and day turned to dusk she allowed herself to relax on the deck of the Monique.

Maverik was some what different. Tense and bold she remained with a stiff back and in her armour the entire affair. Though she ate, she remained alert of every movement that came out of the corner of her eye. As men milled around her she felt more and more uncomfortable, until the dark hours began to come and she became suspicious that she could not protect her Matriarch. Slowly she began to lean over as the Captain of these other ships stood, about to address her concerns.

"We had lost the Mirages wake about three days ago when she passed through a fog bank. Yours was the fist sail we had seen since than and we decided to say hello, and see if you had any news ... but since the trail has gone cold, and we most likely gave you a moment of worry I would like to make it up to you. How can my ships help you?"

The great woman's lips parted and instead she whispered something else into the faun's ear.

"We should get back to our mission, Matriarch," she said quietly. "We are wasting too much time."

Philomel waved a hand and sat up, now enchanted by the suave gentleman before her.

"We are heading to the coast - where the rumours of the vampires come from. The tales say an ancient vampire castle sits atop a cliff, and we are heading there in order to ascertain the truth. If you have been to Radasanth recently, where do most of our trade, then you may know of the siblings Bael and Elaine who are calling for any news of what may be. As a self-employed merchant vessel we were able to take the time off from our clients to come here," she lied the last part easily.

By her side Veridian perked up from his third bird and tilted his head at her, before gazing also at the other captain with huge golden eyes. Simply he grinned and nodded. Yes, yes, maybe they can help?

Uneasily Maverik growled, "Matriarch ..."

"It is our expectations that the cliffs lie due north east, around five leagues from here. We were headed there until you ... well, found us, I suppose. The rumours speak of treasure, of enemies to be dealth with ... everything really." She pulled a grape and popped it in her mouth, "Do your ships partake in such things?"