In Cain's great cabin the dinner ended with more wine and what looked like incredibly thick chocolate pudding surrounded by a frothy and sweet milk substance. Cain made every effort to keep up with the earth spirit but finally conceded after he ate he second pheasant and unbuckled his belt. "Ma'am, I make sure that my ships stay in business, so we take part in many things." The over full captain grinned "which includes treasure hunting." Cain had started off his sea life as a squeaker on a whaling ship, and eventually was able to purchase his own ship and start running trades at the start of the Coronian civil war. That was when he discovered he had a knack for smuggling, and an even better knack for sea fighting and found himself being given a letter of Marque.

Now there was now civil war, the Peregrine and Monique had letters of marque for Coronian pirates, former privateers and sea captains that felt betrayed after Corone or the Empire didn't need them. Then there were those captains that played both sides with no loyalties to any one but their pocket book. There were several other pirates besides disillusioned sailors, and that kept Cain and his crews busy, but there were lulls in the hunting where he participated in other less controversial ventures. Treasure hunting was one of them, he had been successful enough in the past to continue such pursuits.

"Our ships will be happy to assist!" Cain exclaimed "You are here first so we shall fall under your wake." Cain was about to go on to negotiate what percentage of the prize his ships would receive for the assist, when a young sailor knocked, stepped in and saluted the dining party "Sir, Ma'am, lookouts have sighted land through the fog bank, two points to starboard, the Peregrine and Fox both can confirm, and we are in soundings; sand and broken shell."

Cain saluted back and said "very well, an extra ration of grog for the lookout who first spotted it. Thank you!" Returning to faun captain "Ma'am, if you would like to you can can make a trip to the tops and see for your self I'll have a cup of coffee brought up to you directly."