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  1. #1
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    "Look at it this way." Nevin blew across the meat before taking a bite. It was hot, fresh, but unfortunately a bit bland - not that it really mattered when Nevin had ended up sleeping the day away. He swallowed and turned his dark eyes towards Elthas. "We go look through the hills, and you can put your mind at ease. Either we will know for sure that the Goblins have a camp there, or we will know for sure that the raiders you guys dealt with were the only ones. Going to look can only be a good thing." He sat back, taking the offered water skin and taking a long drink. Aphrael trilled at him before taking off, wings beating in the air as she went to search for her own food and drink - not particularly keen on the cooked meat. Nevin watched her go before turning back to look at Elthas, then down at his hands for a long minute before replying with a shrug.

    "No, no family. I went through... a rather rough period, and my ties with my past were rather forcibly severed, against my will." That was as polite, and edited a version of his history as he was willing to give. The Elf across from him was, or at least tried to be, a good man, and he didn't need to be dealing with the rather sordid tale. Especially not when he was already in mental turmoil over the Goblin attack - maybe someday he would tell his friend what had happened to him...but Stare only knew because she had an ability that let her see the trauma that apparently still left its mark on his soul. "I grew up in Salvar, towards the outskirts of the country. I started making my trade as an herbalist, looking towards becoming an alchemist one day. Then I started to travel, to see the world and to expand my horizons. There was an accident - and now, well, I can't go home." Nevin grew quiet for a long few minutes, staring into the crackling fire before him. Eventually his eyes traveled upwards to Elthas.

    "After the accident, I mostly drifted, looking for a place to settle down. I was taken in by the smith who trained me for a while, but you know what happened there. Then, I ended up here. This very clearing I think."

  2. #2

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
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    He is an exile...I couldn't picture living such a way. He hides his strength of character. Elthas reached out and patted the boy's shoulder, in an attempt to comfort him. As he listened to Nevin's story there was a mystery there that Elthas actually appreciated. He liked mystery, the Humes were always a curious lot to Elthas. Capable of so many great things. Elthas nodded after a moment. And agreed to Nevin's plan to re-search the hills just to put the issue to least for the time being. He needed to be certain his friends in Stonevale were no longer at risk from future attacks. So he ate calmly with Nevin by his side.

    "As soon as we're both done eating we will search the hills thoroughly. I know the Guard Captain can't spare resources for that." Elthas knew they were both on their own should they find something else there in the hills. "If we find anything out there...we should bring it to The Guard Captain. Sketch had it correct, examining the Goblin's bodies. And the others who found that small, abandoned camp. But still I want to make certain that there are no more ambush parties comings." Elthas was sincerely concerned about The Goblin attack and wanted to be certain that they did everything they could to prevent another disaster.

    Elthas took a sip from the water skin and capped it shortly after. He looked up at the night sky and nodded. "The stars are with us." Elthas said calmly. He knew a few of the constellations of Althanas, but only a few. He didn't know all of them though he'd always admired the stars and fancied what might be out there in the great beyond. His wilderness survival skills had allowed him to learn a great many things about surviving in harsh forests. The forests of Althanas would provide in times of need. Elthas looked at Nevin with a soft nod. "We'll rest a bit and then start out after that. No good fighting a potential enemy on an empty stomach anyway." Elthas said with one of his dashing smiles.
    Forest Childe...

  3. #3
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin grunted as Elthas agreed to his idea. Hopefully this would set the Elf's mind at ease for a time about the invasion of Goblins he seemed to fear was coming. And if they did find indications that a horde was on the approach? Well, in that case it was better that they were forewarned of the approaching danger, instead of having it come upon them suddenly.

    Still, as they were finishing their meals - and apparently resting, according to Elthas' idea - Nevin tilted his head to Aphrael, who trilled at him before taking to the sky, her black and red form blending into the dark sky as her silent wing beats carried her upwards. The alchemist turned his gaze to the Elf, and raised an eyebrow before explaining.

    "She will begin scouting for us. In general, her night vision is far superior to my own. She will try to find points of interest for us to inspect more closely." He sat back, folding his arms across his chest. Having an idea of where to search would be better than aimlessly floundering about in the dark, he felt.

  4. #4

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
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    As if on cue, Elthas grabbed two branches nearby and lit them both on fire. They were fashioned into simplistic torches, and he wrapped them both before lighting them up with spare cloth shirts. The tips would light their way. He handed one of the torches to Nevin. "Here." Elthas said calmly. He gathered his things and left behind what needed to be left behind. He made sure his Mythril Daggers were in place. At that point he started off into the wilderness with Nevin in tow.

    Thankfully, the light from the torches created a sort of ambiance.

    Shadows flickered just beyond the light, and the stars above also lit their way.

    Elthas knew the area really well at that point and could track his way to the hill. Surprisingly though, Elthas did not speed off ahead of Nevin. He wanted the chance to talk with his friend. He kept his torch raised carefully and with his left hand as he stood at Nevin's side. He moved very carefully through the wilderness. They had to journey beyond the mines, and that would take a little while on foot. Elthas studied the area around them knowing full well anything could be hiding in the shrubbery.

    The trees were not the same as the trees of Concordia Forest...Ruild. However, they were still the trees of a forest and Elthas felt at home in the wilderness. As they walked Elthas decided it best to remain silent. And soon...they were getting closer to the hills in question. The Guard Captain informed Elthas in an earlier date where The Goblin camp previously was located. The bodies of The Goblins were properly disposed but not before Sketch could analyze them carefully. And soon, they'd arrived at the location in question. Elthas stabbed his torch into the ground carefully, making sure that it would light their way. As he stood there, he thought about what was needed, what was called for. "We need to find any clues." Elthas knelt down and saw that there were some tracks on the ground. Apparently, there had been a number of The Goblins and only that group of five made it to Stonevale.

    "There were a bunch of them. I wonder what really happened out here." Elthas touched the ground for a moment. The Goblin prints were still identifiable on the ground. Elthas turned towards Nevin at that point. "We need to figure out where the others went...and if there are more." Elthas confirmed his worst fear. And then up ahead, he saw something he didn't see the first time they'd come to the camp. How could I have missed this...? There, glowing in the shrubbery was a small Goblin Totem. A pagan object used for strange rituals. Elthas stood up and walked towards the strange discovery. "Nevin come take a look at this...Totem." Elthas said calmly as he realized there had been use of The Goblins' shamanistic magics there.
    Forest Childe...

  5. #5
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
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    Nevin had been searching through the abandoned camp, his disquiet growing. There was something wrong here, something off - it looked like things had been moved, and recently, more recently than Ezra's search. As the alchemist was frowning, his eyes scanning the ground trying to see if anything was out of place -

    Elthas called for him, wrenching his attention away from his own search. A last glance around, and Nevin's long legs carried him across the deserted camp to where the Elf was standing. The other man was holding something in one hand, a soft glow of light emanating from between his slender fingers - and as Nevin got closer, his eyes widened.

    A Shamanistic Totem was curled in Elthas' hand, the Elf rolling it back and forth as he examined it. It took a grest deal of mental effort not to smack the vile thing out of Elthas' hand, his body shivering with disgust. As it was he reached out and took the Totem from Elthas and dropped it on the ground, grinding it under his heel. Unseen to the Elf, red tendrils snaked out from Nevin's leg and curled around his boot, piercing the wooden totem.

    There was a strange wail, and the Totem shattered under his foot as Nevin snarled. Under three cover of night the red tendrils slid back into Nevin's skin as he moved his foot and spat on the remains.

    "Goblins are vile creatures, as you have no doubt learned. Their magics are born of rape and misery, their Totems bathed in the blood of victims that have been captured by the Tribe in order to fuel their spells. Vile, disgusting things." Nevin's explanation was terse and his tone was repulsed. His dark eyes slid across the area around them as he tensed up.

    "We aren't alone here, Elthas. Aphrael can see movement."
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  6. #6

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
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    At that point when Nevin smacked the item out of his hand, he noticed it.

    His hand burned with a raw energy that he'd seldom felt in his life. At that point he really regretted the fact that he didn't have any of the arcane gifts of his people. He clutched at his hand for a moment and growled as he felt a tremendous amount of pain. His hand smoldered from the fell energies the totem was attempting to conjure. He felt a bit of relief a moment or two later almost immediately after coming in contact with the small item and after Nevin destroyed it. Elthas gasped, trying to get a grip on himself. He shook his head after a moment and looked at Nevin.

    "There..." Elthas gasped just then. He saw them approaching quickly, his eyes sharp and seasoned. "We aren't alone." Elthas confirmed.

    Three figures emerged from the shadows, Goblins. And stepped out of them. The leader of The Goblins stepped forward. He spoke, in perfect common-tongue. "You were fools to come back here." He began. "We were scouting out the defenses of your people...but now you have confirmed what we original thought." The Goblin was drawing his poison etched sword at that point. "We are going to gut you two. You have interfered for the last time." The Goblin said.

    Elthas blinked as The Goblin spoke. His hand felt a little bit better at that point, though there was smoke still streaming off his hand. Elthas reacted quicker at that point to protect his friend Nevin. One of The Goblins reached forward towards Nevin with his dagger weapon. Elthas reacted quicker. He intercepted The Goblin with his own mythril dagger and the two weapons clashed with a spark. Elthas looked at The Goblin. "To arms, my friend!" Elthas yelled, certain not to reveal Nevin's name to the enemy...
    Last edited by Elthas; 11-03-2017 at 12:22 PM.
    Forest Childe...

  7. #7
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
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    Things had gone sour quickly, very quickly. The Goblins were upon them in moments, and Nevin had to fight back an urge to curse vehemently. He hadn't anticipated combat, didn't even have his staff with him. All he had was his dagger. It would have to be enough - Elthas was busy fighting already, and he wasn't going to be burden. The alchemist tore his dagger from his belt and split off to one side, drawing away the Goblin that had attacked him.

    Nevin was relying on Elthas' speed to be enough for the Elf handle himself against the other two creatures. This one was his fight, as he lured it away from the others. The alchemist shot one last look at Elthas before diving behind one of the half-standing tents. The Goblins chasing him let out a gleeful cackle and gave chase, thinking that the scrawny human was scared of it and trying to run and hide.

    That was hardly the case though. No, Nevin had wanted this one out of sight of Elthas before he dealt with it. The cackling creature rounded the corner, dagger up and poised to lunge for a killing blow on what he thought was a cowering human -

    And instead nearly ran face first into Nevin’s dagger as it flashed through the air. As it was, the flung blade gouged a line through the Goblin’s forehead, sending a cascade of blood down over one eye, partially blinding the thing. It let out an angry, pained howl, and charged forward, now certain that the stupid human had thrown away his only defense, and sure of its victory.

    As it got just shy of range of stabbing him, cables of red shot out from Nevin’s outstretched arm, wrapping around the wrist of the hand that held the Goblin’s dagger. The beast found its momentum halted as Nevin stepped forward, smashing his shoulder into its chest as his threads yanked hard on the arm. It gave a cough as the air was forced from its lungs, and Nevin’s threads coiled tight and squeezed, the tearing threads ripping flesh from the arm as he reached up and grabbed its throat.

    The Goblin tried to scream, but with no air in its lungs and Nevin’s grip around its throat, it got only a tiny squeak out. The red cord unwrapped from the now useless arm, and shot down to wrap around the hilt of the Goblin's dagger. The weapon was lifted to Nevin’s hand, and mercilessly he shoved the blade into the Goblin’s clear eye, ramming the weapon all the way in to the hilt. A moment of silence passed and the monster slumped, lifeless, in the Alchemist’s grasp.

    Moving quickly now, Nevin dropped the body, ripping the blade free from the ruined eye, and ran to help Elthas, his threads retreating back into his skin and under his clothes, once more out of sight.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  8. #8

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
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    In a moment or two, the first Goblin lay dead on the ground. Elthas reacted quickly to slice the creature's throat. As he looked at The Goblin leader, the two hated enemies began to fight. Grass and shrubbery beneath Elthas' boots began to get stained with the black ichor of the fallen Goblins. Elthas engaged the leader. Somehow, the creature was able to keep up with Elthas' full speed burst. It was an older, skilled Goblin and it had power in it's eyes. Elthas noticed that and he thought back to what Nevin had said. Their magic and sorcery is born out of rape and misery and suffering... The thought sent chills down his spine. The Goblin and Elthas exchanged several parrying blows, and The Goblin held Elthas at bay for a moment.

    "You have no idea what is going on do you?" The Goblin suddenly spoke attempting to throw Elthas off.

    "I know enough...I know you are putting my people in danger and I must protect them." Elthas said defiantly.

    "There is more going on than you realize here. Your friend had it correct...about the nature of our magic and power." The Goblin said. "You think you have the upper hand here. So confident you are, but you don't know the whole truth."

    Elthas frowned as he parried another strike. He is messing with me...there is something I'm not seeing here... Elthas suddenly broke off the attack and jumped backwards disengaging the enemy. He looked at The Goblin. " you want?" Elthas figured that The Goblin wanted something. As he stood there he clenched his daggers tightly, genuinely interested in what The Goblin was hiding at that point.

    The Goblin smiled wickedly. "You're smarter than the others. But your friend has the right idea." The Goblin began. "We have been stealing your folks from Stonevale over time. Nobody notices someone missing here and there. The attack on your mine was a distraction, a preemptive strike." The Goblin continued. "We have an ulterior plan. Elf. Stonevale is just the beginning." The Goblin wave his hand and a small totem manifested in his hand. "Even now your people suffer a fate worse than death itself." The Goblin put his totem on the ground and challenged Elthas at that point. "If you want to know the truth come after me, Elf." The Goblin grinned and started to cackle. He then vanished into the shadows at that point, and left.

    Elthas thought about everything he'd just learned. He looked at The Goblin's totem. Have they been growing in power this entire time? And I've been too stupid to see it? He couldn't loose sight of who he was over an ancient enemy. He knew at that point he needed to find Nevin. He turned around and saw Nevin quickly approaching. "Hey, there you are. Man...we have a huge problem right now." Elthas looked down at the glowing red totem that The Goblin placed there, it was an invitation to a much larger battle.

    "Some of the Stonevale citizens were kidnapped by The Goblins...and nobody noticed that. We have to find our people." Elthas said, his anger was filling his heart, but he needed to think clearly on the matter before proceeding forward into a trap.
    Last edited by Elthas; 11-03-2017 at 12:44 PM.
    Forest Childe...

  9. #9
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
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    Nevin had heard the end of the confrontation, and the challenge. And he had frozen, dark eyes wide. His gaze shot to the sky, to where Aphrael was still flying, blended into the darkness. A faint trill reached his ears, and she began searching for where the blasted Goblin had fled. His fingers curled into a tight fist, leather creaking as he gripped the dagger in his hand tightly.

    "I had noticed a few faces not coming in recently, but I had attributed it to them not needing potions recently. This is.... Elthas. You're faster than I am. Aphrael and I will continue to search - I'll stay here as a point of contact, she'll look from the skies. Return back to Stonevale as quickly as you can - we need reinforcements if there are more Goblins out here." Nevin's voice was hard as he sat down in front of the totem.

    He was examining the thing. He could feel the waves of repulsive magic flowing from the damn able thing. He could feel that dozens of sacrifices had been worked over this thing, it practically stank for blood and death to him. It was an abominable thing, and the alchemist intended on smashing it as soon as he knew it was safe to.

    High above, the massive black and red corvid swung further, circling out in the sky as she hunted for where the Goblin had come from. Through her human, she could feel the taint of the magic from the totem. And with that, she could detect it as soon as she was close to another source. It was only a matter of time before she tracked down where the vile feeling came from.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  10. #10

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
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    Elthas eyed the totem for a moment, and sighed briefly.

    He was strong, but he still felt powerless against many of the world's greatest mysteries. As he stood there he looked towards Nevin. "Do what you need to. I'll track your friend, and I'll find our people. Don't worry. I promise you I won't fail...even if it costs me my life." Elthas was an Elf, and they took promises very seriously. He turned towards the direction the large bird was flying towards, and proceeded forward on a mad dash to meet with the enemy head on. To his discovery, judging by the short distance that the bird had flown towards he knew The Goblin had jumped relatively close by. Elthas bounded towards the direction he saw Nevin's bird flying.

    Best speed forward.

    And what he found, further up the hill, and up that Stonevale region mountainside was a small camp of several Goblins. Further, there were several makeshift huts set up and this camp was further south on the road than the rest of their base in the mountains would have been. They have a camp here...?! Elthas was not gifted with magic in the traditional sense of the word. His body was gifted with boons from The Great Tree of his people. As he arrived, he noticed that The Goblin's leader was standing at the front section of the camp.

    The Goblin started to clap as Elthas arrived. "You are here...good."

    Elthas readied his daggers, as he got close to the camp he could hear screams of the captured villagers. His hand, touched by the fell magic of The Goblins...burned with a harsh pain. He flinched for a moment and noticed how many there were snarling and cackling at Elthas...he'd come alone. "I'm not a coward." Elthas began. He looked around, there were six crudely fashioned, but livable mud huts. Traditional Goblin architecture...if there was such a thing. Elthas bounded forward but stopped directly in front of The Goblin, a mere few paces away. "You've been planning this all along? You're The Overlord from before?" Elthas had to know.

    "I'm no Overlord...but there is one present if you have to know." The Goblin rubbed his chin for a moment. As if deep in thought. "So now that you are here, you see what we have planned for your precious Stonevale." The Goblin continued to talk. "Even if you defeat me, there are others...we have long prepared for this day. The day we shall have our revenge against your people." The Goblin frowned at that point. "Far too long your cities in Scara Brae, and in Stonevale have hunted us like we were naught more than animals. Well today, the animals will have their revenge."

    Elthas listened very carefully to what The Goblin was saying. How could I have been so stupid...I tried to warn them all... Elthas shook his head. He needed to think and think quickly, on the fly. There were far too many and their weapons were likely dripping with poisons. A few were even basic archers, and prepared their crude arrows, aiming them at Elthas. Elthas did not falter, or take a step back. Instead, he looked at The Goblin's leader. "I suppose there is no running from this then. You have chosen your side and I have chosen mine." Elthas started to slowly walk towards The Goblin. As Elthas did that, The Goblin commanded his fellows to lower their bows. They did so. "Fate has been unkind to both of us." Elthas said...and suddenly attacked The Goblin dashing forward at best speed. The fellow reacted just as quickly, his reaction time quite impressive. And he intercepted Elthas with his own sword...

    ,,,And that's how the final battle began.
    Forest Childe...

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