
Elthas considered the traps that him and some other Trappers from Stonevale set aside.

The traps were positioned in such a way to capture small to medium sized game. The tavern required a large supply of meats/other materials to keep their kitchens stocked with adequate wares. Elthas volunteered to hunt with the local hunters from time to time and that day was one of those days. Elthas only had a small numbers of packages to run that day for Llukrath, and then he was free for the rest of the day. A friend had spotted Nevin, one of the local Alchemists, heading into Ruild. Elthas took the information at hand and considered what to do.

If he gets lost again, that would be a big issue for me...for the town in general. He does get lost fairly often. Elthas considered that quirk of his friend. And he DID consider Nevin a good friend. Hopefully he does not wonder off too far. Elthas gathered the traps that were full with game. Small rabbits, and other creatures of that nature. Elthas mercy killed the captured game and placed the intact traps, attaching it to his belt. There were three traps all together. Elthas wiped sweat off his brow.

It was a rather hot day in Stonevale that day.

Elthas wore a simplistic outfit that day, typically clad in black. He kept his fedora handy. His fedora was tilted at a slight angle. He moved quickly gathering the traps he needed to gather to return The Tavern...after he'd located Nevin and kept the lad company. With the traps gathered, Elthas considered his next move. Tracking was a skill he was still developing, but was part of wilderness survival. He knelt down and placed his hand into the fresh earth. He smelled the dirt for a moment, trying to ascertain a specific set of information.

He'd regretted not having trained the arcane arts of his people. However, the world had need of his finely crafted daggers. Elthas would help change the pages of history once more as was the nature of his people. Elthas was currently placed in the portion of Ruild where he and Nevin first met. Several herbs were popular in that area. And was a constantly harvested place. Elthas looked up and decided to walk towards where a camp was established for the residents of Stonevale. Stonevale lived in virtual harmony with the wilderness of Scara Brae...and so Elthas began to make his way forward.