Nevin was currently.... Napping. The sun was high, the day was warm, his bird companion was thrilling soft flute tones in her own sleep as she perched on a tree branch over him, and Nevin had his back pressed up against a tree on the edge of a clearing, hood pulled down over his face as he snored softly. Aphrael was aware enough that if something tried to sneak up on her or her bond-partner she would notice them in time to wake up fully and warn Nevin, so the two had decided to doze in the shade.

Sitting beside Nevin was his travel pack, about half-filled with herbs. He needed to gather more, and possibly some animal parts if he could find any, but as this trip wasn't meant for gathering animals or blood Nevin had only brought his staff with him. So far the alchemist had focused primarily on gathering plants for the antidotes that had been depleted helping those injured by the Goblins, so he still needed to collect regular healing herbs and plant life.

But for now, he rested.