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  1. #1

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
    Level completed: 35%, EXP required for next Level: 2,614
    Level completed: 35%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,614

    Elthas's Avatar


    Forest Elf

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    Up ahead of the small campfire location there lurked a sleeping figure. A familiar bird hovered nearby. Elthas put down his traps nearby to the smoldering campfire logs. Elthas considered the situation at hand, it was still afternoon. But he had the necessary flint and tools to create the camp fire once more. The Stonevale citizenry had several camps in the area primarily used by hunters to stay safe. Elthas stretched for a moment or two, he'd been working for several hours up until that point.

    Once he placed his stuff on the ground, he walked towards Nevin. Nevin was sleeping at the moment...Elthas figured he'd been busy doing Alchemy related stuff. As Elthas considered the situation at hand, the brilliant bird looked down towards Elthas from her position on a tree. The Forest Elf nodded with respect towards the bird. He had never seen it before but assumed it was friendly as it was not attacking or anything of that nature. Elthas then pointed towards the campfire. "It will provide warmth for tonight." Elthas told the bird, and Nevin, in an offhanded sort of way. But he accepted the boy was still asleep and didn't want to wake him up. Elthas had gathered a sufficient amount of supplies for food. He walked back towards the campfire and removed his hat at that point.

    Placing it on his own backpack.

    At that point, Elthas gathered his tools in a very systemic sort of way.

    Elthas worked quickly, but also quite carefully. The campfire logs were set up in a fire pit. The Stonevale citizenry respected nature. Elthas lit up the carefully placed logs and a fire soon blazed that was quite similar to a bonfire. Smoke from the top points of the controlled blaze swirled upward through the air. Elthas sat down for a moment to just enjoy the warmth of the fire. At that point he decided he would cook for himself and Nevin. Elthas readied the cooking tools all around the fire and began to skin the animals, gutting them, and everything else needed to prepare meat.

    Elthas had daggers he used as tools but not the combat knives his Father had given him. Those would only be used to protect his loved ones. To honour the old alliances between Men and Elves. Elthas worked quickly to prepare the meats for consumption. The smell of good meats, and food soon filled the air. Elthas also prepared some tea from the various tea leaves he'd gotten earlier in Stonevale. He prepared a mug for himself and for Nevin. The meats, Elthas liked dark and particularly well done.

    Fresh off the cooking fire, they would taste incredible and juicy.

    Elthas sat down on the ground and began to sing as he cooked.
    Last edited by Elthas; 10-17-2017 at 03:23 PM.

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