Aphrael cracked open one burgundy eye as she heard footsteps approaching through the trees. Her master had asked her to keep an eye out for any dangers, and she was taking her task as seriously as she could while dozing. The figure approaching was dressed all in black and wore a fedora, and he didn't seem to be interested in her human at all. Still, she kept one eye on him as he set his stuff down, and then began stretching for a moment or two. When he turned and began walking towards Nevin, she grew mildly alarmed and called out.

Soft, warning flutes woke Nevin from his nap. He cracked one eye open and looked around for the figure that Aphrael was concerned about, tensing slightly until he realized that Elthas had once again stumbled across him. If he didn't know by now that the Elf had no aptitude for magic, he would have thought that Elthas had placed a tracking spell of some kind on him. Still, he grunted and sent reassurances through the bind to the bird, until she settled back down, content to watch for now.

Nevin himself wandered off while Elthas was busy. He didn't feel a particular need to stay there at the moment, and Aphrael was distracted by the Elf's preparatory work. So he had scooped up his bag and slipped into the woods while Elthas was working on the fire and resumed gathering herbs, picking a variety of plants as he moved about the woods near the clearing. The alchemist did have to squeeze flat a few plants and mushrooms, squishing them flat as he went to save space in his bag - it wouldn't do to not actually have enough to rebuild his wares after all. He could smell, in the distance, cooking meat, so he also grabbed a few plants that would serve as spices for the meal as he made his way back once more.

The Elf didn't seem to have noticed his departure, wrapped up in his food making, and Nevin set the seasoning plants down next to him before sitting back down by his tree.