Nevin tilted his head to one side as he considered what the Elf said. It was true that in the rush to deal with the Goblins, the rescue group had rather handily dealt with them. And the fiends had seemed to be a wandering raiding group, as they hadn't even had a camp anywhere nearby that he remembered. But truth be told, there was something about the attack that had been bothering the Alchemist as well, so he waved off the attempt at redirecting the conversation, instead leaning forward and staring into the fire himself.

"On the one hand, it could have just been prompted by the Mountain Goblin. He could have been an outcast from his Tribe, and when he came here he ended up gathering up some other outcasts and began attacking wildly. They do tend to be more feral and antagonistic than the ones around here." He took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he frowned. "On the other hand. A Mountain Goblin shouldn't have been able to get out here on its own, even as an outcast. That may just have been a raiding party, and we didn't even see the actual band. The missing Overlord? Might be somewhere else entirely. We... May need to look for them. And I don't trust the village guards to do that." He folded his arms over his chest and sighed, leaning back as Aphrael trilled worriedly at him. The alchemist reached up and stroked the corvid's head, one finger running between her eyes as he did so.

"We know they aren't in the forest - your people would have definitely noticed a Tribe if there was one moving around in the woods. But there are the hills near the mines - no one's been back there in years from what I've heard." Nevin reached out and snagged some of the meat from the fire, tearing off a strip and feeding it to Aphrael before eating some himself. "What do you think my friend? Up to going exploring?"